Today, I felt like I've fallen so low. There was a power outage in the area and the garage door malfunctioned, even after power was restored. We couldn't use the remote controls to open the garage door. Moreover, it only closed partway. My mom was making a big deal out of this, saying that it was the neighbors' fault and getting ready to call the cops, but I told her not to.
SHe kept on talking so loudly when she was outside and in the garage that I told her to just be quiet because I don't want the neighbors to hear us. Our neighbors hate us, and I don't want them to know I'm in the house. Anyways, she went out to pick up my brother from school. When she came back, she couldn't get into the garage so my brother called me asking me to manually open the garage door. I went to the garage door and lifted it only a few centimeters before letting it drop to the floor. I did the same thing several times. I was scared that the neighbors could see me, because if I open the garage door, they will see me. So, I stood there for a moment, lifting and then letting the door drop again. Eventually, my mom had to come inside the house and manually open the garage door herself. Then she drove into the garage.
I feel like i've fallen so low. I used to be able to open the garage door all the time, wihtout fear or shyness, and be able to talk loudly and laugh. But now, I struck by fear everytime I go outside. I also blame my mom for for this; if she hadn't call the cops and tried to sue the neighbors, then maybe I would have a happier time getting out of my house. But now, everytime I am about to leave my house, I think about the neighbors seeing us and yelling sh** at us.