Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hmm...... donuts. Jam not holey. mmmmmmm, yes yes. That's the best

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Why did the menu bar at the top of Google's homepage have a black background just then? Oh Google! Are you messing around again and changing things that work perfectly well as they are? :rolleyes:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member

You have a voice! If you need his attention you can get it. If you want to just talk make a stern stance. These words you wish to talk with him about are important. Interfere with this focused attention.

It's not always that easy though, especially if you want to avoid the discussion you're seeking turning into a confrontation.

I think it's sad that MidnightStar's dad can't make a little time to talk with his own daughter. She really shouldn't have to be trying this hard simply to get his attention. ::(:


Well-known member
I was remember a horrible situation
when I was 17 I liked a guy pretty or handsome, he was perfect at least to my taste, then one day I dared to speak him to first time, I was so stupid, childish and shy, so for me was very important and happy talk to this guy without knowing him, but all my feats collapsed because they( ex-classmates) saw the boy I like, and they saw my smiling face, in that time, they asked me: do you like my friend Johnny? at the moment I Told Them: yes, he's so cute, she very cruelly said to me: "I ​​do not want to be cruel but the johnny's heart is occupied, johnny wants a friend of mine, and she is pretty ,and certainly life is ironic, the girl have a name's like your name. luck next time. "
I felt the most **** on the planet.
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It's not always that easy though, especially if you want to avoid the discussion you're seeking turning into a confrontation.

I think it's sad that MidnightStar's dad can't make a little time to talk with his own daughter. She really shouldn't have to be trying this hard simply to get his attention. ::(:

I agree.
do you like stuff?


Well-known member
I wish I had a girlfriend so she could shave my back. That's a girlfriend's job right?

I'd hate to have to hire a prostitute for it.