Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Thinking about what to eat for my soar throat and what to do this day. Maybe a visit to the cinema will do good. In the meantime i'm enjoying a nice cup of tea;)


Well-known member
I did something really stupid. Just a few weeks ago I promised myself I would not get more involved with my best friend, that we wont be anything more, then last night I ended up having like an hour and a half make out session with him. WTF is wrong with me? why can't I ever just make a decision and stick to it?!
Some woman with a clipboard comes up to me on the street, asks me if I'm earning money and whether I'd be willing to give money to Oxfam. *Sigh*, not earning money yet, haha. But then it comes with people thinking I look old enough to actually be earning money, I frequently get people trying to recruit me on the streets, hahaha, so I guess that's complimentary.
My aunt just randomly asked me if I would ever dye my hair blonde or red? What an odd question. I was like 'No...I love being a brunette.' She looked at me a bit odd, haha.
Am I the only one who would never give dye my hair blonde/ or cut it? Haha, my hair is one of the few things I ****ing love :') And I get a lot of compliments,people seem to really like it.
Ohh,I think I know why my aunt found my reply weird, she has this obsession with red hair...


Well-known member
Wuh-oh... a couple of paranoid thoughts seem to stay lingering around... must think of something else.
Like lunch!
Mmmm... foooooood!


Well-known member
I feel awesome :) ive been struggling with my anxiety at college but for the first time, there are these three girls i dont know very well, but they think im awesome, and i now feel supported at college rather than disliked. This is a first for me.

And btw, they dont know of my anxiety, which is even better!


Well-known member
I'm tempted to just go up to people I don't know all that well (but I've seen them around or have classes with them) and either strike up a conversation or just say hello.

I don't seem to be myself these days. o___o


Well-known member
I'm tempted to just go up to people I don't know all that well (but I've seen them around or have classes with them) and either strike up a conversation or just say hello.

I don't seem to be myself these days. o___o
Try to enjoy it now that you can ::p:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
OMG I want chocolate

....and then a wee.

