Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I don't understand why anyone pronounces the word "apricot" with an "ape" at the beginning. Apparently both pronunciations are correct but ape-ricot just sounds ridiculous to me.

Even the self-checkout voice at my grocery store says it: "Move your - APE-RICOTS - to the belt."

Its ape-ricots here in australia, which the queen pronounces orstralia, almost like horse trailer - then there's broccoli or broccol-eye; pasta or parsta...


Well-known member
I really sweat a lot through my hands and feet when playing online games. Maybe I just need to get used to it, I probably get too nervous.
You know you're moving up in the e-world when you start attracting creepy stalkers that won't take a hint. It's not a part I particularly care for. :X
Just reading job postings is making me feel sick. After my last experience, I'm absolutely dreading working. I'm considering leaving to go rough it in the woods somewhere instead.

Hah. Yeah. At least it's only for the summer... for now.

"there, there lil' sharky"


You want to know how I got these scars?
Very weird weather. The end is coming, repent while you can.


Weather changes, as does the climate. Nothing weird about that.

Why do people expect the earth's climate to be perfectly still like a painting?
It has never been stagnant or still.

The end is not coming. Change is constant.