^i often feel frisky - nothing wrong with that at all :ironicsmile:
so it wouldn't be wrong of me to think about using my nephew's electric toothbrush?
I mean, you know, to brush my teeth.
then I'll go to Target and buy him a new one.
oh god, this is it, I see the white light of the straight jacket coming ....
if i only i lived closer
i could give you hand
you know, shopping for a toothbrush
I found a free "Mind Games" app for my phone. You know, those brain training games. So far I have scored "average" and "high average" on most of them. One was "low average" - something to do with memorizing patterns or something, two were "advanced", and a vocabulary one was "mental astronaut"Does this mean I'm a vocabulary genius? haha. I wish. But I knew that was my strong point anyway.
Fortunately I got "high average" on the math section - I was expecting "low average" or less for sure![]()
Getting caught up on Downton Abbey so I can watch the new season. I had bought seasons 1 and 2 as a Mother's Day present for my mom, and she gave me the DVDs to watch because she thought it was so good. I really didn't think I'd like it so put off watching for a long time, but gave it a go when I was home sick. Damn, it's a good show! I'm hooked!!!
^ i need to check that one out
^ i need to check that one out
Do you have a DVD player on your computer? You could at least watch the first two seasons for now. Not a ton of nudity (there is some naughty stuff though!) but a story line that keeps it interesting. It's not the boring historical show that it appears to be!i keep hearing people talk about that show
it must have a lot of nudity
sadly, i have no TV
Do you have a DVD player on your computer? You could at least watch the first two seasons for now. Not a ton of nudity (there is some naughty stuff though!) but a story line that keeps it interesting. It's not the boring historical show that it appears to be!
Nights like this are the worst. Nothing to do, nowhere I want to go and absolutely no one to talk to. Guess I'll go to bed.
I beg to differ! :bigsmile:worst yet is watching the Packers lose to the 49ers in post-season :sad:
I beg to differ! :bigsmile:
Awake too early... Why? WHY??