Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I love the snowman, Banvard. And the crow. When I worked in Australia there was an old dead tree outside my apartment, and crows would roost there in the evening. I'd sit outside and watch them hopping about and cawing. They're scary smart birds. I want one.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)


Banvard - Thanks (hug) :)

Anomicder - YAY thanks :)

Voltron291 - eh. you look like a really nice and cool guy - and for real - the only reason this photo looks that way is that i can be a good photographer now and then. it's pretty much the only photo of me that is worth anything, lol. (and i'm NOT kidding, lol, i'll post some normal ones sometimes, lol, to show i'm not kidding.

Rodox - lol, thanks :) i wish :p


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I've not read any of those books yet, but they're on my list of great books to read. Maybe we should start a book club on here? I need to keep my reading in check because I've lost interest.

That's a good idea, think I might start a book thread! :)

Here's me with my brother a few weeks ago:

This one's from a couple of years ago, with my beautiful kitty!
Re: Post your pics! :)

That's a good idea, think I might start a book thread! :)

Here's me with my brother a few weeks ago:

This one's from a couple of years ago, with my beautiful kitty!

Nice picture, I like old buildings. I’d live in one if I could. You look great in the picture too; you have an interesting dress style, very unique. Is your brother camera shy?


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Nice picture, I like old buildings. I’d live in one if I could. You look great in the picture too; you have an interesting dress style, very unique. Is your brother camera shy?
Thanks! It's the old Bell Tower in the park near where I live. You can't tell from the pic but it's really tall! My brother's not especially camera shy but my mum took that pic and she somehow always manages to press the button at the exact moment when someone looks away or blinks, lol! I don't know how she does it... ::p: My dress style varies from day to day, people tend to call me gothic but sometimes I shock 'em by wearing bright colours! Here's me in a gothy mood:


Princess - you are absolutely lovely and gorgeous :)
and so is you Kitty

Aw, me and my kitty thank you! :D You're gorgeous yourself, I really love your pics with the green eyeshadow!
Re: Post your pics! :)

Thanks! It's the old Bell Tower in the park near where I live. You can't tell from the pic but it's really tall! My brother's not especially camera shy but my mum took that pic and she somehow always manages to press the button at the exact moment when someone looks away or blinks, lol! I don't know how she does it... ::p: My dress style varies from day to day, people tend to call me gothic but sometimes I shock 'em by wearing bright colours! Here's me in a gothy mood:


Aw, me and my kitty thank you! :D You're gorgeous yourself, I really love your pics with the green eyeshadow!

I would not totally say your gothic, more a cross between a gothic-fairy, which makes you look enchanted. My style is very boring in comparison; I do not buy many clothes. I’ve had a fantasy since I was a small kid of wearing old medieval garments. Maybe someday I’ll visit one of those battle/state-home enactments. I do the same with the camera, makes me nervous taking pictures of people. I’m a pro at taking pictures of anything that’s not human.


Well-known member
Re: Pretty pretty princess

I would not totally say your gothic, more a cross between a gothic-fairy, which makes you look enchanted. My style is very boring in comparison; I do not buy many clothes. I’ve had a fantasy since I was a small kid of wearing old medieval garments. Maybe someday I’ll visit one of those battle/state-home enactments. I do the same with the camera, makes me nervous taking pictures of people. I’m a pro at taking pictures of anything that’s not human.

Ooh I like the sound of a gothic fairy! :) I don't dress like that every day, but sometimes I wish I could, lol! I went to a medieval fayre a few years ago and saw a small battle re-enactment - it was fun, you should go! It's weird when I take photos of people; usually I'm really shy and retiring but once I'm behind a camera I sometimes get a little bit bossy, telling people where to stand and stuff! ::eek:: For some reason the authoritative side of me that's usually dormant sneaks out and starts rearranging people, lol!

Princess_Haru Oh my god!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! You are sooooo beautiful!! I can't stop using exclaimations!!

Oh thank you Psyche! ::eek:: Hehe, you've gone and made me smile now! :D


Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Here are some of mine with additional footnotes. This is my first post on here, I'm very excited to have found a place where I can actually learn about my condition, (SA, depression) while enjoying some dandy threads.

Edit: ok, forget the pics for now. Damn.
Re: Pretty pretty princess

Ooh I like the sound of a gothic fairy! :) I don't dress like that every day, but sometimes I wish I could, lol! I went to a medieval fayre a few years ago and saw a small battle re-enactment - it was fun, you should go! It's weird when I take photos of people; usually I'm really shy and retiring but once I'm behind a camera I sometimes get a little bit bossy, telling people where to stand and stuff! ::eek:: For some reason the authoritative side of me that's usually dormant sneaks out and starts rearranging people, lol!

Oh thank you Psyche! ::eek:: Hehe, you've gone and made me smile now! :D

Went to London about three years ago and had to take photos for my brother standing next to the performers of Billy Elliot. We waited outside next to the stage door; he’s a fan of the show, seen it like twenty times. Most of the photos turned out bad.
Re: Post your pics! :)

Here are some of mine with additional footnotes. This is my first post on here, I'm very excited to have found a place where I can actually learn about my condition, (SA, depression) while enjoying some dandy threads.

Edit: ok, forget the pics for now. Damn.

Welcome Jco, I've been here for about a week, it's a nice feeling to belong somewhere.