Not gonnae lie, ah also laughed at this picture too, MotherWolf. :bigsmile: That's some outfit you've got on... Dinnae worry ah'll no' say anythin' bad aboot it. Ah particularly like tha Donkey Kong shirt, and tha head-band.
Nah. Its cool. I ain't the sexiest lookin gal out there no way to most guys, anyway. But in my eyes, I AM the sexiest girl out there. And THAT'S what really matters. I got real, natural beauty. I love everything about me.
But yeah, the headband is from WWE's John Cena.
I don't like WWE anymore though.:thumbdown:
I love Donkey Kong, I guess. But that shirt has two small holes in it.
I just got thru with exercise that day.
There was a time that I was so fat I could not fit that shirt.
I am very proud with how far I came with my weight.