Post your picture thread

Mr Motivator

Active member

this pics a couple of years old now, i just cant take that face seriously whatsoever lol


Well-known member
I always have to have my silly face mood on when the camera is near by

I tense up every time someone points a camera at me. Does not make for good photos.

Me running in my last Half Marathon. Age 49. I'm looking down because the ground is wet.

You look intense, which I guess is hardly surprising. You have my boundless admiration for running half marathons at 49, in fact you'd have my admiration even if you were 19.

I'll stop thinking of you as Chinese. What does it mean then, Kiwong?

You have a very beautiful smile!

I second this.


Well-known member
You look intense, which I guess is hardly surprising. You have my boundless admiration for running half marathons at 49, in fact you'd have my admiration even if you were 19.

I'll stop thinking of you as Chinese. What does it mean then, Kiwong?

Thanks Alethiea, running is one thing I have confidence about. It wasn't long after the start and I worried about slipping up on the wet bitumen. Kiwong? I'm not sure what it means, but it was the name of the street I lived in as a child. Number 12 in fact.


Kiwong its nice to finally put a face to your avatar after all this time. My curiosity has finally been satiated.

Everyone is looking really good.


Well-known member
My my Jonesy~

You should definitely post pictures of yourself more often. Show off how gorgeous we Spaniards are! :D ::p:
Ok, but just one more... I took this in NYE and I finally was too coward to post. Then a couple of weeks later I had the courage to take one again, the one I posted, but I guess I can still show this one.
*deleted* (now in my profile)

I hope exposure therapy works, because I'm posting a lot >.>
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Well-known member
Well a few years ago I said that I was going to post more pics from Japan when I was talking with someone on this thread,today I had to go to Nagoya,oh well here are some,right out the nagoya station and around it:




Well-known member
Japan sure is a beautiful country :) Always wanted to visit.
Ok, but just one more... I took this in NYE and I finally was too coward to post. Then a couple of weeks later I had the courage to take one again, the one I posted, but I guess I can still show this one.
View attachment 2157

I hope exposure therapy works, because I'm posting a lot >.>
Yay! Another picture ^.^ and you're looking great :)