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And i cant comment on the guys being straight and all,but i mean look at yukios pic... i could easily believe he was outta some famous rock star band or sommat 8) and wasnt anxious at all.I could easily believe alot of the girls were models ect

Theres still a stigma attached to mental health tho isnt there :( and if your quite or shy and keep to yourself you get painted as some physco weird hermit alot of the time.


Well-known member
Yea, Danfalc, I did all right. Kept it a day or so. It bugged me knowing it was on here though...

Yuiko- I think you look good in that pic. (maybe minus the devil thing though, haha) But... you kinda scare me w/the masks 8O

And thanks, Redribbons, I appreciate it and I hope Kein has stopped being a buttface. :D


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
And i cant comment on the guys being straight and all,but i mean look at yukios pic... i could easily believe he was outta some famous rock star band or sommat 8) and wasnt anxious at all.
wha haha... :lol: thats funny....but actually making music...but im not famous and no band is needed...its just tiny project for my own fun. :wink:

krs2snow said:
Yuiko- I think you look good in that pic. (maybe minus the devil thing though, haha) But... you kinda scare me w/the masks 8O

thank you..
well...devil thing is devil thing-made for devils...(some metal-girls even found it
attractive :lol: )....but ok..that was long time ago..
emm...whats so scary about masks?
for me its easier to breath when im wearing gasmask...and stuff..

sorry for my english...


Well-known member
and here is me again....jumping away from phobia.

I've always wanted to skydive ... but I don't see a chute! Yikes! 8O Yea, it's confirmed. Sexy or not, you do scare me! LoL!


Well-known member
here's the lovely emma 8). she wouldnt i did. doesnt she have gorgeous eyes? eat your heart out joshie boy :p


and that aurora is a hottie.


Well-known member
haha...cmon guys!...first i was scary and now im crazy??!!
a deadly combination......sounds like my place is at circus..
but no.I'm not crazy. I'm eccentric.

zeroday..sorry ,but my english is as bad as my i probably didnt understad your question right... landing on sand...there is sand everywhere...sand hills..sand holes..
but if you mean which part of my body landed first...
than the answer is my back....
painful? well..try SP.


yuiko said:
haha...cmon guys!...first i was scary and now im crazy??!!
a deadly combination......sounds like my place is at circus..
but no.I'm not crazy. I'm eccentric.

zeroday..sorry ,but my english is as bad as my i probably didnt understad your question right... landing on sand...there is sand everywhere...sand hills..sand holes..
but if you mean which part of my body landed first...
than the answer is my back....
painful? well..try SP.

What the hell are you leaping off tho!! 8O i thought ya had photoshoped those juming pics or somthing,haha you got pretty high.But anyway your english is good... (actualy prob better than mine and its ment to be my main one :? )... but you sure its not your head you landed on rather than your back :lol: dude you are nuts if ya just go jumping off shit like that haha


Well-known member
I'm pretty confident, when you take up jumping off random things as a hobby, you learn to land in a way that would be the least painful..?