Post your picture thread


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Come on now...look at those example guys and then look at him. Doesn't fit.
You could of said that without calling her a bitch bro, think about it. Everyone has their own opinion, nothing wrong with stating it.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Come on now...look at those example guys and then look at him. Doesn't fit.

Notice how those people with those haircuts (in the photos) have somewhat OVAL faces.. Particularly the last photo... Most haircuts look good on oval faces.

Icarus.. I'm glad you agree. :) I really think it would look good.


Well-known member
God I post one single photo and you people starts a giant discussion on what hairstyle I should have. (-,-) I wont have any emo thing. I can not have half long hair since it's all curly, on the picture I somehow managed to prevent it from being very curly but I rarely do. And it's very thin and quite damaged. It's not good for being long. I'm giving up having long hair.

Pic with pony tail.

I will always be damn jealous on guys with long thick straight nice hair. I always wished to have, but I can only get the opposite.


Active member
Socialretahd is just trying to get a rise out of you guys. He probably isn't feeling very happy atm. and he's just trying to pump his ego by insulting other members or by having the "superior opinnion" so that he can feel a little better about himself. If he feels those haircut's don't suit Kien, then that's fine.


Well-known member
eR1k said:
and he's just trying to pump his ego by insulting other members or by having the "superior opinnion" so that he can feel a little better about himself.


Tell me, which school did you get your psychology degree from?

Seriously, she was just mocking him by suggesting he try and look like those models.


Well-known member
Misunderstanding methinks, Red join chat if you want to talk with Social. :p (for now anyway)

May-be I should just refrain be posting, eh.



my kitty being deranged as usual trying to fit her head through a hole half the size of her head.

Me and my old dog mini

Can anyone give me any idea of how to reduce images it would be appreciated ta.edit- and hehe thanks yuiko :) i swear shes been tanning my medication or somthing sometimes ya know or is getting her paws on some very good cat nip 8O


yuiko you crack me up lolz... anyway some more of ma kitty seing as she seemed poular :)

After probaly giving herself brain damage she did get her head through that hole, i think she was quite confused to where her body had gone

This was my mums cat which sadly got run over.

And another of Tia doing what she does best... biting me :? :)

Sorry again for them being huge pics.And night peeps


Well-known member
^ nice kitties lol we got like 5 cats but they're wild and live outside we kinda adopted them as there owners just left them :?

Meh two doggies





Well-known member
yuiko, your hmm ginger? cat looks fantastic-excellent pic :)

And your dogs ,generical, always looks sleepy but they are superb
I really envy you bcoz you are living in a countryside, in such
beautiful unpolluted scenery 8)

I think that raising a pet in a urban community is a great torture both for animal and for owner.

Does anyone here holds pidgeons perhaps? Or some other birds? I like them.


Well-known member
RedRibbons said:
SocialRetahd said:
eR1k said:
and he's just trying to pump his ego by insulting other members or by having the "superior opinnion" so that he can feel a little better about himself.


Tell me, which school did you get your psychology degree from?

Seriously, she was just mocking him by suggesting he try and look like those models.

MOCKING HIM!!?!?! Are you fucking joking me, you loser?!!! I'm sick of your bullshit attitude. Not everyone is as much of a shitty asshole, like you okay.

I actually think he looks pretty good. And a haircut like that would flatter his facial features. It's not a fucking EMO haircut EITHER. It's a rock-type haircut. Just cause self-proclaimed "EMO" kids get shaggy haircuts.. Doesn't mean it's emo.

There's a rise for you. Now fuck off and stop being such a negative little asshole.

P.s. You're REALLY not one to be talking about who's attractive and who's not. Who's honest and who's not. You never posted your picture before, and you're a jerk.

What is this, like an internet temper tantrum? Pathetic.


Well-known member
socialretahd. I am done with you, in this thread okay? :) It wasn't a tantrum, I am just sick of your shit, and your false claims. That's all. Your shit caught me at a bad time. :roll:

ANYWAY!!!! GENERICAL your dogs are the cutest, I agree they look sad. :(
lol Danfalc, your cat is hilarious I love it. I love how it's poking it's little head through the blanket. :lol: