Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Well, I don't have severe social anxiety, and I've been drudging through it for 7 years with no medication. My biggest problem is that I can't form lasting relationships with people cause I get awkward and start over-analyzing everything in the friendship. Those people that I am with, are not CLOSE friends.. And I'm drinking alcohol, which makes my anxiety go away. :roll:


RedRibbons said:
What a bunch of hotties! 8O :wink:

I guess I'll post my picture! I hope no one recognizes me here! lol :oops:



And here's some cats.. cause I love them! :)


you are extremely beautiful.


Well-known member
Here is a pretty recent pic of me..
My friend took it first thing in the morning at school on a school outing, hence my non too please face :lol:
terrble pic but ahwell thought you might want to see..



Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
average idiot said:
I guess people with SP tend to be good looking 8)

False. Only good looking ppl are willing to post their pics and some using myspace angles.

Quick conclusion. SPs are self-described as persons who dont like to be watched.

People edit/deleted many links in this thread quite often, so did me.
I dont get it how did you remmber my face after i deleted link long ago.

When i look al those pics i can really tell a difference between SPer and non-SPers from all pics i have seen. You can almost always find that insecured and not self-aproved low-esteemed look in the eye to a certain degree. Ofcousre, when you feel totally down you will not upload/publish that picture nowhere.

@Coriander - you look real confident here. Bravo!


Well-known member
rado31 said:
SocialRetahd said:
average idiot said:
I guess people with SP tend to be good looking 8)

False. Only good looking ppl are willing to post their pics and some using myspace angles.

Quick conclusion. SPs are self-described as persons who dont like to be watched.

People edit/deleted many links in this thread quite often, so did me.
I dont get it how did you remmber my face after i deleted link long ago.

When i look al those pics i can really tell a difference between SPer and non-SPers from all pics i have seen. You can almost always find that insecured and not self-aproved low-esteemed look in the eye to a certain degree. Ofcousre, when you feel totally down you will not upload/publish that picture nowhere.

@Coriander - you look real confident here. Bravo!

Thanks rado :)
I tend to be more confident around my friends than I would be in any other situation anyway.


Well-known member
rado31 said:
SocialRetahd said:
average idiot said:
I guess people with SP tend to be good looking 8)

False. Only good looking ppl are willing to post their pics and some using myspace angles.

Quick conclusion. SPs are self-described as persons who dont like to be watched.

People edit/deleted many links in this thread quite often, so did me.
I dont get it how did you remmber my face after i deleted link long ago.

When i look al those pics i can really tell a difference between SPer and non-SPers from all pics i have seen. You can almost always find that insecured and not self-aproved low-esteemed look in the eye to a certain degree. Ofcousre, when you feel totally down you will not upload/publish that picture nowhere.

@Coriander - you look real confident here. Bravo!

What is your point? You don't have one.

I just noticed that people who are good looking are more willing to post their pic's...why do you think that is?

Because they are less likely to receive negative feedback or someone not even commenting on their picture. When people say, "nice pic", they usually are just being nice to someone that is unattractive looking.


Well-known member
rado31 said:
When i look al those pics i can really tell a difference between SPer and non-SPers

I'mnot really contributing to the discussion you two were having but just felt like commenting on this.

I can always tell the difference too. Sometimes we can look quite happy in a photo and look like we belong but you can usually see through the eyes to the suffering that's going on inside. Myself, I wouldn't post any pics where I look plain uncomfortable. I'm assuming people post pics where they feel like they are representing who they really are inside rather then outside. I posted a few pics here where I was comfortable, one was during a trip to cuba where I had little anxiety because i knew anyone I encountered wouldnever see me again after a week, and the other was after a long depressing night at a social event on the way home. Away from all those people I finally felt myself again so the picture reflects me, I wouldn't post a pic of myself while I was there because it would show a completely different person. I could post about 5 different pics here all showing a completely completely different person. The one consistent element is the suffering in our eyes from photo to photo.

We are chamelions. We change to blend into each setting we are met with.
You also pointed out how people here remove their photos, and I don't think it is because they don't want to be see. The pictures they post here are likely images of themselves they are comfortable with and want the world to know, so I don't think they mind strangers seeing them. They remove them when they worry that someone that knows them in reality might see a different version of them and disapprove.


Well-known member
You can't tell as much as you think you can from a picture.

Somebody said to me once that I can't have SA because i'm around people...well hello SA affects everybody differently.
For example, SA doesen't affect me at school, but anywhere else it does massively, hence why I don't look to scared in that last pic I suppose.
Who is anybody to say somebody else does or does not have SA!!?? :roll:

(That was not directed at anybody in particular btw :wink: )


Well-known member
Re: This is me

recluse said:

You don't look like a social phobic. You have a tattoo and everything. All these people posting there photos and they don't look as if they have SA. Oh, well...


Well-known member
Re: This is me

arjuna said:
recluse said:

You don't look like a social phobic. You have a tattoo and everything. All these people posting there photos and they don't look as if they have SA. Oh, well...

What does an social phobic look like then arjuna?
Are we being a bit guilty of steriotyping here!!!! Oh he has a tattoo so he can't have SP!? :roll: :roll: :roll:

SP/A affects DIFFERENT people in DIFFERENT ways!