Post your picture thread


Active member
arjuna wrote:
You don't look like a social phobic. You have a tattoo and everything. All these people posting there photos and they don't look as if they have SA. Oh, well...
Social phobia does not discriminate, it can affect anyone regardless of how they look.


Well-known member
I agree with coriander1992. I believe everyone here who posts their pics has it to some degree or another,otherwise why would they bother posting here? And hows does tattoos exempt someone from having SA? I imagine tatttoos is alot of peoples way of trying to deal with it. If you get tattoos you can walk into places inviting disapproval, but that disapproval will be for the tattoos on your arms and not you personally. I think it is a good way of coping and distracting attention from you. If someone doesn't like you you could easily believe it's because of the tatttoos and nothing you did in that situation, which might be comforting..

For me if I am with a friend someone the SA doesn't really affect me, but it affects me to a frightening degree in school environments, I can't even speak. So I could post pics of myself at home with a friend and I'm sure I would look mentally healthy, but if you were to see a pic of me in school I would look ready to k i l l m y s e l f. lol

As AquariusOutkast said, SA doesn't pick you based on how you look. Anyone can have it. It is caused by many things. It can be genetic, which it might be in my case since my mother has it, and my twin brother has it, but not my other two siblings; it can be inherent through observing a parents behavior or someone else, it can be learned that way. Both of those causes have nothing to do with appearance. It can also be caused through traumatic negative experiences, and surely people who stand out as odd might be bullied more in school so odd looking people might pick it up more that way. I was harassed and bullied merciliessly for over 7 years of my life, so I think that contributed to mine as well. I think mine was caused by a number of these factors.


don't know if i should do this but i'll do it anyway, pic of my ugly mug

This is one of a few pictures where i look reasonably happy, most of the others need to be thrown away lol :D


Well-known member
Re: This is me

coriander1992 said:
arjuna said:
recluse said:

You don't look like a social phobic. You have a tattoo and everything. All these people posting there photos and they don't look as if they have SA. Oh, well...

What does an social phobic look like then arjuna?
Are we being a bit guilty of steriotyping here!!!! Oh he has a tattoo so he can't have SP!? :roll: :roll: :roll:

SP/A affects DIFFERENT people in DIFFERENT ways!

I only had them done a year ago. People who have known me since before having them done all say the same thing ...''I never thought you'd get tattoos, you don't seem the type!'' A lot of people i know are shocked when they see them! I daren't let my grandmother know i have them; She'd go ballistic! My parents are cool though, probably because my dad has two.

Stereotyping sucks!


Well-known member
scissorhands said:
I agree with coriander1992. I believe everyone here who posts their pics has it to some degree or another,otherwise why would they bother posting here? And hows does tattoos exempt someone from having SA? I imagine tatttoos is alot of peoples way of trying to deal with it. If you get tattoos you can walk into places inviting disapproval, but that disapproval will be for the tattoos on your arms and not you personally. I think it is a good way of coping and distracting attention from you. If someone doesn't like you you could easily believe it's because of the tatttoos and nothing you did in that situation, which might be comforting..

For me if I am with a friend someone the SA doesn't really affect me, but it affects me to a frightening degree in school environments, I can't even speak. So I could post pics of myself at home with a friend and I'm sure I would look mentally healthy, but if you were to see a pic of me in school I would look ready to k i l l m y s e l f. lol

As AquariusOutkast said, SA doesn't pick you based on how you look. Anyone can have it. It is caused by many things. It can be genetic, which it might be in my case since my mother has it, and my twin brother has it, but not my other two siblings; it can be inherent through observing a parents behavior or someone else, it can be learned that way. Both of those causes have nothing to do with appearance. It can also be caused through traumatic negative experiences, and surely people who stand out as odd might be bullied more in school so odd looking people might pick it up more that way. I was harassed and bullied merciliessly for over 7 years of my life, so I think that contributed to mine as well. I think mine was caused by a number of these factors.

I usually have them hidden, but when i have them showing i feel that people are looking at the tattoos and not directly at me.


Active member
I usually have them hidden, but when i have them showing i feel that people are looking at the tattoos and not directly at me.

I have one also, but I like to keep it covered up. Feel like people will stereotype me. Kind of regret it, got it when I was younger and going through some tough times. :roll: Oh.. well~~


Active member

This is the picture from my avatar.


This is me and my guitar. I like my hair in this picture.


This is me and my grandma at a theme park.


Well-known member
LovelyMissMadi said:

This is the picture from my avatar.


This is me and my guitar. I like my hair in this picture.


This is me and my grandma at a theme park.

Cool you play the guitar. I also play a bit. What guitar is that?


Well-known member
I took this pic a while ago, right after getting out of the shower. I've been growing my hair out this year for the first time since the fifth grade, and in my foolish excitement I wanted to save that moment in a picture. Alas, the utter awesomeness of my hair didn't quite come across. :lol:



Active member
recluse said:
Cool you play the guitar. I also play a bit. What guitar is that?

It's an RG Prestige. I actually don't play it much anymore. I got an acoustic for my birthday last year and I play that more often.

Edit: Pictures!!! I love pictures of me.


This was taken a few days after my cousin was born.


This is actually a really horrible picture, quality wise, but I'm in love with the look on my face.


Well-known member
Your right!! You're right your hat does look bigger in this picture meow.
Why do you think that is? Is it the lighting?