Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

OMG! He looks like a kitten I used to have... ended up giving him to a friend of mine when he was old enough.

But awwwww, he's soooo cuuuute =D


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Hehe yeah he's lovely :) Its a shame they dont say so small for long. He's a brave little guy though, we have some adult farm cats who stay outside usually, and he always stands up to them even when he was about 1/10 of their size lol. He liked to use his claws a bit much when you played with him (painful!), but he's gotten a lot better recently. He's very affectionate though because he was bottle fed as a baby.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Here's a pic of the kitten I used to have that I thought looked like yours...



Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

One of our cats when he was tiny. He was the "runt" of the litter, and when his mum got killed by a car we took him in. He's gotten quite a bit bigger now but I just came across these photos of him and thought I would share them. He's tucked into my bed in the photos, the little scamp :D



I like cats. :D

I have four of them.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

that's insane, I too have a stray kitten that looks just like that. it's been living on the porch for like two weeks now.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

One of our cats when he was tiny. He was the "runt" of the litter, and when his mum got killed by a car we took him in. He's gotten quite a bit bigger now but I just came across these photos of him and thought I would share them :) He's tucked into my bed in the photos, the little scamp :D



That is soo cute!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

You know what meow, obviously you are offended because I hit a nerve
but on the other hand if you read my posts very carefully, you
would see that what I am saying to you is not so much of an insult
but rather a compliment. Because basically I am saying is that
you are too pretty and you go out to restaurants too much to
have SA. People with Social Anxiety DO NOT GO OUT. And if they
do like myself, it's once in a while and it hurts them to go out. Or
they go out only in extreme emergency cases like their hungry
or something but other than that people with real SA do not go out
OR they are extremely nervous and self conscious and very
uncomfortable when they go out so they stay home like the rest
of this forum

Now I don't know you and I haven't read the rest of your posts but
to me it doesn't matter what you've written in the rest of your posts
I was just pointing out a fact and the fact is that people with SA
do not go outside or they are very uncomfortable around people
so they stay home. You are too pretty to have SA and you have
proven it by going to that restarant. That is something that most
people with SA would never do. Most people with SA do not have
friends and I bet you that you have friends. People with SA do not
go outside but you go to restarants AND OH MY GOD, YOU MODEL
case closed! You may be depressed but I don't think you
have SA. There is a big difference between depression and SA

Oh well meow I am not trying to insult you so forgive me if
you think I am but I am just pointing out a fact. The fact is that
I don't think you have SA. But anyways whatever your agenda
here is, I guess I should mind my business and worry
about my own problems. I need to try and cure my SA
and my Agoraphobia which I truly know I have

Uhhh...I used to do some modeling and I definitely have social phobia. Would you like my psychiatrist's number so you can confirm? :) And btw, a lot of what you are describing is more agoraphobia than social phobia.

Hate to jump in, but I don't think its fair that anyone judge anybody's problems based on how they look. I go through that too much to be okay with anyone doing that to anyone else.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

But now i realize I am about 5 years too late on responding to that, lmao. I suck at the internet.