Post your favorite Youtube videos!


Well-known member

Holy ****, that's exactly why I was and still am completely horrible at that game. The whole time I'm either laughing at stuff or screaming at stuff not really paying attention to what MY guy is doing. Whoa I figured it out!!! Just look at it, no matter how scary social situations may be, you will never have to deal with crazy big bullets flying at you all the time and weird dinosaur looking things that may be on crack chasing you, even when theyre half squashed!!!



He should play Dead Space 2 next.

Here is a video from the first album I ever bought from when I was about 7 years old - this music brought me nightmares for YEARS.
The music starts at about 4:30 - I chose the live version because I have never seen live musicians reproduce music that sounds exactly like a studio recording. Which is what this is. Its a childhood nightmare - and very impressive to watch.

War Of The Worlds Live On Stage 2006 part 1 - YouTube


Well-known member
life lessons for the young

this music brought me nightmares for YEARS.

Our teacher had the bright idea to play this to his class when I was about seven. It contributed to my realization that yes, I would one day die too.

Thanks Mr Tracey.


Re: life lessons for the young

Our teacher had the bright idea to play this to his class when I was about seven. It contributed to my realization that yes, I would one day die too.

Thanks Mr Tracey.

How uncanny... thats pretty much what happened to me too. Thanks Mr Dawson. :)


Well-known member
eek! i had the same reaction as the guy in the video when i first encountered one of those monstrous bullets. i am sensitive!

Octopus Escape! - YouTube

"We caught this Octopus in a shrimp trap here in Alaska. It had crawled in through a 3 inch opening and terrorized our catch of spot prawns, killing and eating several of them, and then, attached itself to the bait jar and unscrewed the lid to open for dessert of prepared shrimp bait pellets! We decided to let this brilliant creature go (option was to eat it! ...yum!) as I respected its intelligence and genius. We set it on the deck and let it "escape" on it's own... Cool fun with a sea creature!"

Haha yeah!!! That's freaky enough, nature is in general. Don't need our crazy video games makes things even crazier lol