coriander1992 said:recluse said:Whenever i buy a new item; Book, magazine, clothing, shoes, cds etc
I like to sniff them because i love the ''new'' smell of stuff! My favourite smell i think is the smell of new leather!
I totally understand that!
I love going into saddlery shops or car showrooms because of that new leather smell.
umm, I like shiny leaflets and will pick random ones up to read just because they're shiny. :?
Kathryn said:coriander1992 said:recluse said:Whenever i buy a new item; Book, magazine, clothing, shoes, cds etc
I like to sniff them because i love the ''new'' smell of stuff! My favourite smell i think is the smell of new leather!
I totally understand that!
I love going into saddlery shops or car showrooms because of that new leather smell.
umm, I like shiny leaflets and will pick random ones up to read just because they're shiny. :?
whenever I get a new book, I'll just sit and smell it because it helps me imagine the characters in the book. o.0
Kamen said:I have had moments when I have tried to check if the lamp inside the fridge really turns off when I close it.
continuallylost said:i just farted. and it smells like thai food 8)
Riiya said:I used to eat farts.
"Eyeth" ??? :?:Kamen said:I am originally from Eyeth.