Post some random information about yourself

my socks that i have on are black/secret window is one of my favorite movies (although it's not scary)/i don't have enough money to buy a 50 cent soda in my wallet (had enough with pennies, but the machine doesn't take pennies...)/i like the smell of cigarettes but i don't smoke

I also love the smell of cigars, even tho i don;t smoke...:p
I have to make sure the sheet on my bed and pillow case is completely smooth and free of any wrinkles before i hope into bed to sleep:0
I have a three lb box of Abba-zaba bars under my dresser that my mom got me for Christmas. I never even tried one until she gave me this box of them. What the hell am I going to do with three lbs of Abba-zaba bars? :eek:

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Well-known member
^^^ Love that movie!

I went to the Casino today and it wasn't too bad, lost money though...
Sour candy is the best i my opinion, I wish I had some.


Well-known member
When i was on holiday in spain when i was 12, i met a member in an english pub from black sabbath, how cool.

I once had the oppourtunity to cook with some top chefs in the UK after being picked over what i cooked which must have been good lol, but due to having SA i bottled it. ::eek::

Apprantley on my dads side of the family, my great nan, her family are related to royalty. :eek:

Despite being chubby, i was picked for every single sports event when i was younger and at the time i loved it lol and did pretty well, even managed to become captain of the netball team in primary school, and one thing i'm proud of is when i was captain we came second out of 21 schools. When another tournament came up and i couldn't make it, my school came 11th. I must have been good lmao. :rolleyes: