PLEASE READ - my tips for beating SA


Well-known member
Ah, another long thread from Imhotep I hear you say! But this one's different I hope :D. After many, many years, I think I've beaten SA to the point where no matter what happens now in a social situation, I think I can deal with it. It's been a long struggle with a single purpose in mind (finding a smokin' hot girlfriend) and on the way I've discovered a lot. Here are my tips for beating SA (in sort of the order I think you need to do them in):

1. Build up as much life experience as possible. I recommend holidays abroad on your own, which is scary in itself but extremely useful. You build up anecdotes that are both helpful and hopefully funny (one that I always trot out that gets a laugh is the time I was on holiday and ended up being the only man in a nightclub full of gay women) and can meet lots of interesting people. When talking to people back home, you'd be surprised how many times you can slip in a "there was the time I...". I realised that I feared conversation because I had nothing to say. This goes a long way to solve that. Alternatively (or additionally) do as many weird and wonderful things as possible (such as bungee jumping or learning a difficult and uncommon foreign language).

2. Take excercise. Join a gym and go, even if you don't "need" to. You'll see that few people are ultra-toned superman (or women) and become more confident. There are other social benefits, and I find working out helps my mood incredibly. Getting naked and showering with other men made me lose a lot of hang ups.

3. Read about the subject. Books that helped me enormously were: Teach Yourself Confidence and Social Skills by Paul Jenner (part of the "Teach Yourself" series of books) and How to Feel Confident and How to Make Anyone Like You by Leil Lowndes. I don't think I could have done it without them.

4. Join a Social Activity group. If you're in the UK, join SPICE: Adventure, Sports, Social Group - Spice - Spice UK National Office. You meet loads of people. I've made a couple of good friends from it. The number of singles to couples is heavily in your favour, but that should be a secondary concern.

5. Go outside your comfort zone. It really is true that the more you do something, the better you get at it. One obvious example I did was Speed Dating, the idea of which used to terrify the living piss out of me. Funnily enough, the worse you do the better your future anecdotes will be. I made my new smokin' hot girlfriend laugh on our first date by recounting a tale of awkward failure at such an event. Needless to say, we didn't meet through Speed Dating :) .

General tips: treat everyone well, not just people you're trying to impress. Put on a confident front, even if you don't feel it - do it often and you'll be amazed at how you start to then become confident. Be positive - see how people respond (it's pretty incredible, this one).

One final comment: while this forum can be a useful, I feel that sometimes it can be severely counter-productive when negative thoughts run wild and a sense of doom and gloom comes over everybody. I can tell you from experience that it doesn't help things.

One more final comment: Thanks and good luck to everyone I've conversed with in the past, including (but not limited to) klytus and Voltron. This is turning into an Oscar speech ::eek::.

One last final comment: I'm going to stick around as long as this thread gets replies, and after that I'm off. If anyone wants advice or help after that you can email me at [email protected]. But hopefully, I'll be spending time with my smokin' hot girlfriend... ::p:




Well-known member
That's really inspiring. I'll be going to university next year and have been thinking over and over whether I should go to London or somewhere smaller. London will definately be different and because it's so busy and there's so many people, I really think that maybe I should go for it. They say that university life really brings out a different side to people, although I'm not counting on it to completely take away my problem, I think you might be right about going out of your comfort zone.


Well-known member
Great tips, I also recommend taking some classes that require you to do group projects or communicating with others in some way, I enjoy my acting class and have made good friends.


Well-known member
Meh, I disagree with all of these

How is going out of your comfort zone not a good way to work on SA? The way I figured, that's the only way to beat it without being a pill dependent.

I made my new smokin' hot girlfriend laugh on our first date by recounting a tale of awkward failure at such an event.

I do this, too! On a pretty regular basis...the retelling embarrassing stories part, not the speed dating for a hot gf part, lol. I think it helps a lot to ease anxiety because you spend a little bit of time feeling like you should die but then after you tell someone, or a few people, it kinda makes you realize how trivial it is.

The last story I told was when I was in Spanish and the teacher was testing our vocab. I thought he asked me if I had cousins so I enthusiastically said "Si! Tengo nietos!" and then found out I had just announced to my whole class that I had grandkids :rolleyes: They all laughed at me and I just wanted to run out of the room and cry and never go back but now it's no big deal at all.
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Well-known member
Great tips, I also recommend taking some classes that require you to do group projects or communicating with others in some way, I enjoy my acting class and have made good friends.

Acting class is probably one of the best things you can do I reckon. I will hopefully do some stand-up comedy at some point and that's along similar lines.


Well-known member
I agree about the negativity of the forum, its not a good idea for lots of insecure poeple to meet at one place and constantly drag eachother down.
I will also like to add, what I dont agree with is how this is addressed. It seems more that this is aimed towards SHY people. What about people with psychological issues? What I am trying to say is, people dont choose SA. If they could do these things they would. Shyness is not that difficult to deal with, shy people can be successful in their endeavors too, thats a fact. Shyness will not disrupt your life. The difference beetween SA and shyness is one will cause disruption in your life.

Agree with all that, haha. However I think some people with SA could try and put some of them into practice...for example, building up a big store of things to talk about. I personally wouldn't be up to booking an overseas holiday for myself (financially and psychologically, hahaha! :D) but I try to have hobbies and things other than just sitting on the computer all day. If you're online all the time (and I speak from experience) it's very easy to start ruminating over what a loser you are...take a break from the computer and do something else, even if it's just cooking, some craft or learning a new language with one of those "book and tape" kits. (You don't have to go to a class, though that's probably preferable if you also want to test your boundaries.)

I'm reading "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" at the moment, and while I'm normally very sceptical of self-help books (and the author's "YES! YES! YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN EMPOWER YOURSELF YOU ARE IN CHARGE YES YESYESYESOMIGODYESSSSS!!!!" style of writing still grates on my nerves from time to time), it has helped me to see a light at the end of the's not going to cure me, but it's helping me to turn my thinking around a couple of degrees, haha.


Well-known member
The whole "my smokin' hot girlfriend" on repeat thing makes me want to say you made all that shit up to try and convince yourself to actually do those things. Yes, it's all fine and dandy and it's good advice, but how true is it?


Well-known member
I will also like to add, what I dont agree with is how this is addressed. It seems more that this is aimed towards SHY people. What about people with psychological issues? What I am trying to say is, people dont choose SA. If they could do these things they would. Shyness is not that difficult to deal with, shy people can be successful in their endeavors too, thats a fact. Shyness will not disrupt your life. The difference beetween SA and shyness is one will cause disruption in your life.

I just wanted to throw this out there. Cause I wanna make sure people understand the difference. I also think some people here just have shyness rather than full blown SA.

Well said. The nagativity thing about the forum is a good point.

Trying to act confident, however, is something altegether different. Faking confidence is something I try everyday. For example, I go to the gym every afternoon and just try not look "weird". I almost never smile in public. I avoid eye contact. I am very conscious of my movements and interactions with others. Why? Because I'm ultra self-conscious about my expression and appearance. I'm rediculously afraid of embarrassing myself. I have an unreasonable fear of being judged by everyone. That's my SA, and SA <> Shyness. You either have confidence, or you don't.

As to your some of the other suggestions, they are definitely worth a shot.


Well-known member
The whole "my smokin' hot girlfriend" on repeat thing makes me want to say you made all that shit up to try and convince yourself to actually do those things. Yes, it's all fine and dandy and it's good advice, but how true is it?

Thought I'd address this one specifically, but thanks for all the comments so far.

It perhaps doesn't work so well in text, but I was trying to be slightly humorous with the "smokin' hot girlfriend" bit. But I assure you I now DO have a girlfriend and I think she's smokin' hot :) . And I did those things before meeting her. I seriously doubt that I would have been able to date her without doing all that other stuff first without being a jibbering wreck and messing it all up.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
I think these things should be in order... Nobody of us can do these things in one time today or tomorow. I'm applying some of them now and they work for me, but for some of them I don't have courage yet. One step at a time.


Well-known member
Hi guys :). Hope you are all well.

I bet none of you remember me, but I thought I'd drop by and see if this thread is still here - and I'm pretty amazed it is.

So, two years down the line, I thought I'd give you an update and hopefully show that I wasn't completely full of sh*t with this topic.

Well, firstly I'm still with the same smokin' hot girlfriend, but my social anxiety HAS caused some horrific problems on occasion, and we have nearly split up a couple of times. But fingers crossed, we have always managed to sort things out.

Secondly, I'm amazed that I mentioned stand-up on this thread, as I really didn't think I'd mentioned it to anyone. But I've now done two performances in the last couple of weeks and, thanks to my obsessive determination if nothing else, gone down REALLY well.

I can't begin to describe the sheer terror of doing it (strangely, the second time was scarier than the first), but the rewards were...well, it is probably the most amazing experience of my life.

So while I don't want to paint the picture that my life is fantastic, which it may have seemed from my original post, I still stand by everything I posted on here. Things CAN get better :)




Well-known member
Thanks for the tips! I don't how effective these tips are for SA sufferes but I think they're amazing for people dealing with extreame shyness like me. I'm glad your life is going well now :)

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I enjoyed reading your tips. A lot of them are a bit beyond my reach at the moment (i.e. I struggle to just get out of the house.) Once I get a better handle over my SA, I could tackle certain things on this list.

The tip that jumps out to me most is this one vvv

1. Build up as much life experience as possible. .... I realised that I feared conversation because I had nothing to say. This goes a long way to solve that. Alternatively (or additionally) do as many weird and wonderful things as possible (such as bungee jumping or learning a difficult and uncommon foreign language).

While I cannot go traveling on my own for now (I don't have the money and it makes me absolutely anxious thinking of visiting foreign countries), it does sound wonderful, and I can see the benefits of doing so. It is a luxury: traveling is on most everyone's to-do list.

A big problem for me is not having much life experience. People have all sorts of stories to tell, and while I have some, I do have a lot of gaps in my life. I do read a lot, and can refer to many articles and things others have said, but I don't have my own stories to tell and it makes me feel inadequate and lacking. Maybe one day I will be able to tell the story of getting over SA! :)

Thanks for updating us (and you should really come visit more often 'cause we need more people like you on this help lead the way!)


Active member
Really good tips and I hope they'd help people with SA!
However, I've been doing all of these for years, but my SA didn't get any better, but i'm not giving up yet!!!