

Well-known member
wow we have a lot of fears..

I can't remember a lot of mine.

-Fear of natural disasters (paired with a constant paranoia that one will come..... Especially an earthquake...)
-Fear of dying before I get to really live
-Fear of unhealth (after reading "The PH Miracle" and about how mycotoxins are in your intestines if you eat an acidic diet, mycotoxins 'decompose' (rot) your body and are only "normal" in nature in dead bodies...Aaah!)
-Fear of children
-Fear of mountain lions or bears
-Fear of being fat (Not living up to my standards, and trapped in body)
-Fear of being a passenger in anything
-Fear of anything high-speed
-Fear of machines.. More a distrust thing
-Afraid of the cold for some reason.
-Fear of having some mental disorder that only I don't see in myself. Am paranoid over this.. "If I ______ will it mean I have a disorder?"
-Fear of showing my feelings to myself
-Fear of showing feelings to other people
-Fear of having other people think that I need them
-And duh, Fear of people!
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Well-known member
The following are the only two which I would class as phobias, but there are other situations that I fear to a mild extent.

- Claustrophobia
- Catagelophobia (maybe)


Well-known member
I'm afraid of...
Deep water
Being on a boat (also has to do with the whole deep water thing and the fact that I can't swim)
Speaking in front of people
Answering the phone if it's someone I don't know
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Well-known member
Apart from people, I don't think I have any outstanding fears. Wish I had some stupid phobia like arachnophobia instead. At least you can easily avoid spiders and still have a life.


Well-known member
What am I not afraid of? I tend to have fears of...well...anything. The main ones include:

Death. (My fear of this is so strong, I become obsessed with it at times.)
Disease. (I'm a major hypochondriac. To the point where it's crippling.)
People and the public.
Losing control.
Losing my mind.
Losing loved ones.
Being out of control of my environment.
Spiders and generally anything with venom.
The dark.
Talking on the phone.
I have a paranoid, irrational fear of snipers when I'm out of my house.
Doctors and hospitals.
Blood. (My own, specifically.)
Food poisoning.
Deep water.
Emetophobia. (Fear of vomiting.)
Being alone (Anytime. Even forever.)
Wasps and bees.
Going insane.
Flying. (Never have and probably never will.)

I know there are others. To put it simply, I am a huge p*ssy. I fear not only death, but also life and living. I'm afraid of wasting the one life I was given. I fear dying an unhappy person.


Well-known member
Doctors and hospitals (seriously, I have never been except to be born and see my newborn sister)

People pretending to be zombies (I can watch zombie movies, but if someone near me pretends to be one I can't stand it. My mum likes to do this a lot.)

Talking on the phone

and obviously, social situations


New member
^Really? Is there any particular reason for it, or have you always just been afraid of them?

I can't really think of any specific trigger for it, at least not that I can remember. They have just always repulsed me for some strange reason.


Well-known member
I'm scared of anxiety. I'm not even scared of people. I just avoid them because they trigger anxiety for whatever reason. When I'm away from them though, and not feeling anxious, I love people and wish I could be around them more. It's all very weird and confusing.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Besides social interaction obviousley...Bees, hornets, wasps whatever. I can't sit still If I see one. Everything in my body says to get away from it. I've been know to slap all over to get one away from me in public or scream, run away from it. I haaaaaate them so much. When I have to mow the lawn I quit when I see one flying around the lawn, it gets my dad so pissed. Its so embarresing because my sister makes fun of me for it, so does her husband and her kids...

When I was five I got stung in the neck my a bee and screamed and screamed. I think it was that experience that set it off. Now I can't be around them.


Well-known member
I have a lot of the normal fears; spiders, bees, bugs, the dark, heights, public speaking, etc.

If I am walking into my bedroom or something, I have to keep all the lights on and then turn on my bedroom light. Then I walk back and turn off all the lights behind me. If I don't, I start to panic really bad when I can't find the light switch. I feel like whatever is trying to get me moved the light switch (Insane I know) so I wouldn't be able to turn on the lights again. The what if, of someone actually being there when I turn on the light, is petrifying.

Aside from all of those, one big thing really freaks me out. I am sure it's close to being a phobia.

I am extremely terrified of getting pregnant. I have not had sex because of this fear, I don't know if I will ever have sex because of this fear. I think about getting my tubes tied and that's not enough comfort. My cousin had her tubes tied and she still had a baby. When I think about it, I think about how I would first need to get my tubes tied, then be with a guy who had a vasectomy, We would have to go to the doctors to test things to make sure that he was "shooting blanks". Then I would get on birth control, the pill or the patch and then make him wear a condom. Only then do I think of maybe possible having sex. But... I feel like there still would be a chance, so I would rather avoid it.


Well-known member
Groups of lads between the ages of 13-19, especially if they look chavvy. I'm afraid of being hit on by them or sexually harassed.

Groups of girls between the ages of 13-19, especially if they look chavvy. I'm afraid that they'll make bitchy comments or gang up on me.
(I attribute both of these to bullying at school)

Sometimes.. the Police and also handcuffs. No, not because I am a criminal, but because I was forcefully detained by them a couple of months ago for my own safety and a few weeks ago they forced me to accept a lift home, despite me being 18 AND told my parents against my will.. all because I was getting a bit of peace on a late night walk and having a cigarette whilst texting my friend. It sounds trivial, but until this year I had no involvement with them. Now I sorta feel as if they're going to just pull over when they see me now that I'm on their notebooks and crap. Handcuffs because they gave me nerve damage for 3 months. Don't get me wrong, I actually respect police officers, but I am intimidated by them sometimes, no less.

When I was a child, I had this weird fear of clocks. I never understood the concept of time, so it freaked me out whenever I noticed the hands were moving.

I was also paranoid about leaving electricals on at night. It was more of an OCD than a phobia, but I used to plug out every electrical I could before I slept. I was just so scared a fire might erupt while everyone slept. I'd actually wake up sweating if I knew something was still on. It was rather a strange phase.