
I don't know if another thread has been done like this, but it's always kind of nice to know that you're not alone in a specific phobia. So what are your phobias (or just really weird fears, even if it doesn't qualify as a phobia)? I have a ton of odd fears. Some of them are:

*I'm absolutely terrified that someone is going to break into the house and murder me. In connection with that, I'm terrified to look out windows at night because I'm afraid that I'll see a face looking at me, and I'm afraid to look into mirrors because I'm afraid that someone will be standing behind me. I'm afraid to close my eyes in the shower because I'm afraid that when I open them, someone will be standing there. I once shut my eyes while shampooing my hair, and when I opened them, Aaron was standing in the shower with me and I screamed bloody murder and threw the soap at him before I realized who it was. He's never done it since!

*I'm also terrified of heights, except while I'm in a plane, because while I'm in a plane I feel like I'm in a normal room. I'm vaguely scared of flying, but it's not really a phobia. I'm most scared while taking off.

*I'm deathly afraid of the telephone.

*I'm afraid of spiders.

*I'm afraid that the world is going to end. And in connection with that, I'm afraid that the world will end but that I'll be the only one left alive.

*Ever since 9/11, I've been afraid that there will be a terrorist attack either on a base where my dad is working or on a base near where I live. Every time a plane flies over (which is very often, since I live by a naval air base!), I get scared that it's an attack. I'm afraid that a bomb will go off somewhere near me. I'm afraid that a nuclear attack will happen.

*I'm absolutely terrified of semi-trucks, especially logging trucks. Whenever we're behind or beside one I have to grip the sides of the seat until we pass it. When they're parked it's fine though. The logging trucks are the worst for me because I'm always afraid that the logs will roll off and hit us and kill us.

*I'm also afraid of going faster than 50 mph in a car, which is sort of crappy because most of the speed limits here tend to be 60-70 mph. Whenever we're coming up on another car I start gripping the seat and nagging at Aaron to slow down and be careful, though I know, intellectually, that he's fine and that he's got it under control.

*I'm afraid to go to sleep with a closet door open, because I'm always afraid that something (not necessarily a monster but SOMETHING) is hiding in there waiting for me to go to sleep to come out and kill us.

*I'm afraid to stick my feet over the edge of a bed, because when I was in like the 4th grade a friend told me a story about zombies that came out from underneath the bed and ate people. I've been afraid of sticking my feet on the floor directly by the bed ever since.

*I'm afraid to have the lights off in the bathroom at night. I'm afraid to look in the mirror at night because of that stupid Bloody Mary myth.

*When I was small, we lived in a very mountainous area and there were all kinds of cliffs all over, and there was one in particular that a car had actually driven over and the guy (obviously) died. They never fixed the guardrail, either, and now whenever I'm in a mountainous area I get extremely, extremely nervous when we're on the side near the drop. I'm all right if we're by the rocky part, but the cliffs terrify me.

(Ha, I asked Aaron if he could think of anything I was afraid of and he's been going on without stopping for about five minutes. This is pretty pathetic >.>)
Eating, cooking, cleaning, shopping, singing, playing musical instruments in front of people I know. I'm afraid of talking on the phone. I'm afraid of balloons because I'm always expecting them to pop and I hate loud noises. I'm afraid of spiders and most other insects. Think that's about it


Well-known member
Eating, cooking, cleaning, shopping, singing, playing musical instruments in front of people I know. I'm afraid of talking on the phone. I'm afraid of balloons because I'm always expecting them to pop and I hate loud noises. I'm afraid of spiders and most other insects. Think that's about it

I have a phobia about the balloons as well because of the instant bang or anything that makes that sudden noise.

I also have phobias about numerous different animal species like sharks, spiders anything I couldn’t really have a chance against if I was in their presence. That’s probably pretty normal, all though some people don’t have those phobias, that’s probably a first when a phobia isn’t an aberration.
I have a pretty intense fear/aversion to wrists...I cannot even bring myself to touch my own wrist. Even just thinking about them now, they are starting to feel all weird and fuzzy, like there's something crawling under my skin.

After just googling this now, I've found that it's called Carpophobia.


Well-known member
People, answering/speaking on the telephone, instant messaging, singing/playing musical instruments/dancing/acting in front of people, spiders, lots of unparallel lines/lots of holes of varying size or depth/certain textures, death/death of family members/end of the world, looking out windows at night, staring into the eyes of some inanimate object such as a doll or even something as simple as an image, sleep paralysis and demonic visitations (this has happened multiple times).
There's probably names for all these...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
-the dmv
-buying tampons from male cashier (more info than you wanted to know, your welcome)
-getting pulled over by a policeman
-losing somebody's child or making a parent angry
-knocking over or messing up a child's iv pull, thats a HUGE fear
-having nightmares/sleep paralysis
-the smell of melted butter, horrible
-PRIESTS! big time

i dont know if i did it right! there's too many to list

Bullied Anonymous

Well-known member
-the dmv
-buying tampons from male cashier (more info than you wanted to know, your welcome)
-getting pulled over by a policeman
-losing somebody's child or making a parent angry
-knocking over or messing up a child's iv pull, thats a HUGE fear
-having nightmares/sleep paralysis
-PRIESTS! big time

i dont know if i did it right! there's too many to list

Whoow! I didn't really give it that much thought. Now that you mention it!lol


Well-known member
The only weird phobia I have is...I don't even know how to explain it. I'm scared of balloons going up in the sky, letting go of one..even something else letting go. I feel like I'm floating up in the air, or something. I don't know where this stems from. it's so weird, it's hard to put in words why it scares me so much.
That's crazy I never thought about being the last one standing at the end of the world/apocalypse sort of thing..I'd actually be content if I was the only one left I wouldn't have to worry about being social anymore :/
Forgot to mention my phobias:

Vomiting: I'm kinda over this one after having alcohol poisoning in 2008.
Dark closed-in spaces without air.
Standing in line/walking/ or just standing still while people watch

That's all for now...
-losing somebody's child or making a parent angry

Oh my God, ever since all these child-murders have happened in my area (first the Caylee Anthony case, then Haleigh Cummings, and most recently Somer Thompson), I've been terrified that something is going to happen to Kenzzie while I'm home alone with her and that everyone will think that I did something to her. When she's sleeping and I'm home with her I'm normally running to her bedroom and checking on her every twenty minutes!


Well-known member
I have a pretty intense fear/aversion to wrists...I cannot even bring myself to touch my own wrist. Even just thinking about them now, they are starting to feel all weird and fuzzy, like there's something crawling under my skin.

After just googling this now, I've found that it's called Carpophobia.

I think I just now contracted this from reading your post. When I think of my wrists now I get an intense feeling of creepy crawlies underneath my skin. o lyfe