Your 20's is about finding yourself and realising what is important and what is not. I'm 27 next week and in the last 5 years I have become so much stronger, I do not let men mess with my heart like I did in my teens, I have also dumped off all the friends that weren't proper friends, I have now been left with 3 or 4 very close friends. Which in my teens I would have been like ''oh i am such a loner'' but I would now rather have 3 amazing friends, than 25 not so great friends. I'm also better at saying no, not letting people walk all over me and asking for a pay rise! I am more honest and open about what I want also. I also did some travelling aged 22 which was a lot of fun and became settled in a job which meant I got promotions rather than job hoping like I used to in my teens.