Parties - easier with strangers or people you know?


Well-known member
I was just curious to see if people find parties (if you go to them of course) easier with friends/family, or strangers?


Well-known member
I find it easier with friends. On the other hand, it's easier with strangers than it is with people I know a little, but who I don't consider friends.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I was just curious to see if people find parties (if you go to them of course) easier with friends/family, or strangers?

I wouldn't choose to go to either, but if I had to go to one of them then I suppose they each have their pros and cons.

Family parties/gatherings are filled with people I already know, so I suppose I would be more comfortable around them. On the other hand, because they are people I know, I feel more obliged to make an effort to be sociable. It's not like I can just dismiss them as people I'll never see again.

A party filled with strangers would obviously be more awkward in some respects, but if I didn't know anyone there then I might be a tempted to try to be a bit more sociable. Alternatively I might just stand in the corner and speak to no one. :)

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
I was just curious to see if people find parties (if you go to them of course) easier with friends/family, or strangers?

Easier with family. As for strangers, I would have no idea what to do. I only speak when someone asks me a question or prompts me to tell them something. With friends, I wouldn't really say anything to them, I remember someone asked me why I didn't talk at the party and I said I didn't want to say anything stupid. She called me weird and my brain automatically told me "Wow, you messed up. Don't say that again, okay?" I'm pretty sure I said the wrong thing because of her weird facial expression.

Aah, sorry, long post. ::eek::


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When I actually went to parties it was just family get togethers for my brother or sisters kids.


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None. I haven't been to a party since I was 8 or so & it was terrifying. I ended up being brought home by a family member of the girl whose birthday it was before the party even really started. I could never go to a real, adult party. That would be even worse. A million times worse. But, just guessing, it would probably be easier with strangers because strangers are less likely to talk to me. I could try to fade into the background & hope no one notices me. If I'm around people I know, they're more likely to start trying to hold conversations & expecting me to talk to them, which would make the mere act of being there even worse than it already would be.


Well-known member
It doesn't make a difference to me who is there, I'm going to get scared either way. To put it simply, it's easier with alcohol, and lots of it.

I went to a party about six months ago and it was a birthday party of a fellow I went to school with. I went because my brother asked if I wanted to go. When I got there, there was a lot of people that I knew from high school and a lot of strangers. It was a nightmare. I hung around with my brother and his friends some. However, I kept thinking I was embarrassing my brother by hanging around him all the time, even though we are almost the same age. So, I would try to not hang around him, but I ended up just standing against a wall staring or sitting in a chair staring. I could hear people saying things like, "Is he mad?" or "What's wrong with him?". My brother kept asking why I was just standing there like a statue. I guess it was easier because the people from high school were friendly and since I had some cannabis to share, it was easier to socialize, but I was still SUPER shy and nervous.

It's kind of weird because I want to go to parties and have a good time with people, but my mind just messes it up for me.
I'd say easier with friends, but then I'm afraid of them leaving to get a drink or something and leaving me stranded. I find myself being lost with a sea of backs to me. I haven't been to a party in a while. I used to be social..not sure when it changed for me.


Well-known member
Way, way easier if I have a group of friends -- or if it's some work thing where I can bounce from person to person that I know and use them as my anchor. Actually, unless it's for a work-related event, or back when I had several real-life friends, I will not go to a party. I hate, hate, hate, hate x zillion parties, and the only reason I go to work parties is because I've recognized that you lose a lot of points by NOT going.

The only thing that helps me at parties besides friends is lots and lots of caffeine -- or if I'm really tired. Apparently when I'm really tired I'm pretty loose and mellow. It's hard to get into that state, so I'll do the Dew, thanks.


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I'd rather be at a party with my friends. My husband and I were at a BBQ earlier and I only knew two people there. Wasn't that big a deal. I would rather not attend parties with family.
People are strangers

STRANGERS, especially because everyone I know freaking hates me right now. I would have said strangers anyway. They are never going to see me again so I care less.


Well-known member
After last night I definitely prefer to have friends around at parties and clubs. It's important to stick together and look out for one another.


Well-known member
I'm more comfortable around people I know even though I don't talk to them. I just hate meeting new people cause I worry I will make a fool out of myself.