

Well-known member
Often when there's a lot of stuff going on around me, like a conversation with multiple people in the same room, I tend to get a little over-stimulated. Sometimes I also feel like I get a little manic, get too laugh-y, say dumb/inappropriate things etc. I feel like I totally lose my normal self, and I feel like people pick up on it too. It especially happens when I'm tired.

Anyone know the feel?


Well-known member
Yes I get this too. The more people in the room, the louder it gets and I panic. Sometimes I think they're talking about me. When someone calls my name, I don't respond because I'm just not sure if they're actually calling for me.
Hi! I just joined and saw this post and can totally relate. This is me pretty much everyday at work. I work in a mostly noisy environment, there's always multiple conversations going on and I get overstimulated easily. When this happens I just tend to zone out and if someone asks me a question or tries to talk to me when I am zoned out I totally don't know what to say,like I can't concentrate so I can't get my words right. It's verrry frustrating and I get more irritated in a loud environment and might snap at someone or be rude when I totally don't mean to it's just because there's so much going on. I don't strive in chaos like some people I prefer peace.


Problem with multitasking and overstimulation is a typical sign of asperger syndrome. Which I am convinced most of you here have.
Hi Lea, it's funny that you mentioned that because I once thought I might be Autistic (long story) and so I did some research and found out about AS and wondered if I could have that instead. I have not gotten tested for any mental disorders yet but I have been wanting to talk to my counselor about my concerns but I am nervous to do it. On one hand I want to know and on the other I don't. My last session I told him I wanted to talk about something personal and he said to write it down and bring it next time, so that's what I'll do. I figured that the over stimulation was due to the introversion tho and the ability to only take in a certain amount of outer stimulation at a time. When it's too much outer stimulation I get a sensory overload and shutdown (zone out)
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Well-known member
Problem with multitasking and overstimulation is a typical sign of asperger syndrome. Which I am convinced most of you here have.

I'm not sure if I have asperger's. I don't have a problem with multitasking, except when I am doing things in front of people then I get nervous and mess up. I also get overstimulated when I am around people, but when I'm alone I do just fine.


Active member
Oh my god, when i'm bored, yes, it happens a fudging lot. It also happens when I just don't get enough sleep. I get so random that I one time caught my brother saying to his girlfriend, "Sometimes I think Naomi has a lab in her room making like meth or something." He was joking and I forgot what he said exactly but it was funny..

Oh yeah, I get overstimulated and completely overwhelmed SO incredibly easily. I can't handle the simplest little things without freaking out over nothing. If too much is going on, my mind is total chaos. I'm very sensitive to basically everything, sound, touch, texture, people, whatever it is. It all completely drains my energy. I wonder if it has anything to do with not doing much a lot of the time? So when I actually do, total exhaustion sets in within no time. Is it possible to change this at all, or is it permanent? I've always been hypersensitive to everything, but I think it's gotten worse.


Well-known member
Problem with multitasking and overstimulation is a typical sign of asperger syndrome. Which I am convinced most of you here have.

That could be true. But there is a general distrust for the idea that someone could have a "label" like that. It seems to be there's a huge stigma about these things, even in places like this.

You don't even have to go to specialists and receive your label. Self-diagnosis is not a terrible thing, and if you're still against it, then just look into Asperger's and see if you have some traits of it. It's helpful to learn that there may be a cause for what ails you. As for myself, I definitely have traits of AS, possibly a mild case. But I would not be so presumptuous to claim I have a full-blown case of it, since I have not been diagnosed.
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This has been a major problem for me. I have a history of getting so overwhelmed by complex social situations that I feel disconnected from reality (a sort of de-personalization). Part of this is due to my own expectation that I should be able to respond to everybody in a busy room, in such a way that I am perfect and graceful in every interaction. But lately, I feel more and more comfortable in crowded situations, for a few reasons:

1. CBT and generally learning that I don't need to please everyone in every situation, and it's impossible to respond to everyone and everything that demands my attention.

2. Meditation - this is a problem of focus, and mindfulness meditation is the practice of cultivating focus. It is the exact antidote to this problem.

3. This summer I travelled to India, where I was hounded relentlessly by people running various tourist scams, hustles, and commercial agendas. If you have trouble saying no or ignoring people without feeling guilty, go to a place like this where you'll learn to say no in a big hurry or you'll be sucked of all your money