I like gaming in general. Online, offline, I don't care. I don't mind using headsets either, as long as the people to chat with are mature enough. Normally I use headsets only when necessary though, since simply gaming without headset is more comfortable, and I prefer my surround sound system over the pseudo surround of the headset.
Whether you encounter friendly or harassing people online depends mostly on the game you play. The more a game you play is about "player vs player", and the younger the audience is, the more likely you'll meet people who constantly swear and insult others. So, that's easily avoided.
When I was very young, I was shy about using headsets too (not that they were that popular back then anyway), but over time that changed. It's just far more convenient, and there are fewer misunderstandings that way as well.
Now I think that's kinda funny, when someone in a multiplayer asks "anyone want to use voice chat?", and of 20 people, 15 of them say "my headset just broke" or "my headset is not working" or "I don't have a headset" or something like that. It's so silly somehow. Just say "no thanks" instead of making up some excuses nobody would believe anyway.