One quality your proud of.


Well-known member
I'm good at being there for people I care about, and trying to advise them, hell I've never had a proper relationship yet I get asked for relationship advice, so I just say what I'd do in that situation. I've talked 2 friends out of cutting themselves and stuff.


Well-known member
I'm proud of my ability to survive.

Through both my biological and stepdads' deaths, my mother's continued alcoholism, being f'ed over by soooo many people, in and out of mental hospitals for damn near 10 years, failed pregnancies, being bipolar and schizotypal....

Yeah, I'm still alive and whole... just a bit more insane than before.


Well-known member
The one thing I'm proud of is that despite being sad for almost 5 years now, gradually leaving my social life behind, feeling as if I'm not who I am anymore and so many other things ...I have not once self-harmed or, you know, ran away from school like some people might do, I've attended class.
And in that way, I guess I can say I'm resilient... :) it's hard to say anything I like about myself but I think that I'm, well, kinda strong. I hope.


Well-known member
The one thing I'm proud of is that despite being sad for almost 5 years now, gradually leaving my social life behind, feeling as if I'm not who I am anymore and so many other things ...I have not once self-harmed or, you know, ran away from school like some people might do, I've attended class.
And in that way, I guess I can say I'm resilient... :) it's hard to say anything I like about myself but I think that I'm, well, kinda strong. I hope.

Well of course that makes you strong. Not many people can say that they haven't given up on school, work or whatever it may be when depression hits. You're pushing through everything life throws at you and I find that pretty courageous. :)


Well-known member
Well of course that makes you strong. Not many people can say that they haven't given up on school, work or whatever it may be when depression hits. You're pushing through everything life throws at you and I find that pretty courageous. :)

Thank you for saying that :)


Well-known member
Hi ColdAsIce. Like you I am very perceptive; to the point of Psychic when I practiced it.
I pick up on other peoples moods and this can be very draining. It can also be useful. I have often called it a Blessing and a Curse.


Well-known member
This is a good post! This forum needs more posts like these :)
I'm good at drawing and I'm capable of getting good grades. I like to help others too.

When it really comes down to it, you just have to find something you like about yourself. It's a step to becoming mroe comfortable in your own skin


Well-known member
My heart. I have a really good heart. ::eek::

That was my answer as well. I do have many qualities, I believe, but I do have a great heart and I don't judge people by their cover :)

But to answer something different, I would say that.. hmm.. I don't really know actually. Maybe I'm funny when I'm not shy?
I have no problem accepting things.

Though, some people have openly admitted to think that that is a bad quality.
Maybe they should accept my acceptance. ::p:


Well-known member
I want to believe there is good in everyone or at least that people who are kind exist. So I try to be kind.