one comment which has affected your confidence


Well-known member
yeah I like the positive comments also.
I was hired for a local newspaper to write about the local high school sports about six months ago. Since then, I have had so many good things said to me about my work. It makes me feel so good about myself when this happens. I was having such a tough year before I was offered this job. It's a true blessing. I was just at the local old town resteraunt when I was offered the job. And geuss why I was up there in the first place: for a bible study. Ive had such a tough year that, I've got to admit, this is the only reason that I still believe in god.


Well-known member
There are a bunch of things thave have been said to me that really rocked the already shaky foundation of my self - esteem. Things said such as "I look bad in pictures", or that I "look and act awkward" and one time I was dating some girl and since I was shy, she said "You act feminine, like yovue changed since last time I saw you". I found that last one to be a bit odd...Maybe its the long hair? Hahaha


People at my old job saying that I am gay or that there is something wrong with my body, because in the period I worked there I avoided some pretty attractive girls that liked me ,I am at a new job,but it still haunts me,I remenber a lot.......


Well-known member
that1guy said:
yeah I like the positive comments also.

It's funny that this thread is about a "comment which has affected your confidence" and I instantly thought of negative comments. It didn't even occur to me that this could refer to comments which have affected us positively...
:roll: @ myself

Soo... I've had some positive comments about my art which made me feel really good. Umm... *racks brain* argh, why is it so much easier to recall the nasty remarks?! Oh, I've been told I have lovely eyes :D

Quetzalcoatl said:
There are a bunch of things thave have been said to me that really rocked the already shaky foundation of my self - esteem. Things said such as "I look bad in pictures", or that I "look and act awkward" and one time I was dating some girl and since I was shy, she said "You act feminine, like yovue changed since last time I saw you". I found that last one to be a bit odd...Maybe its the long hair? Hahaha

Feminine guys rock 8) Whether you're manly or girly though, you seriously don't look bad in the couple of pics I've seen of you! *blushes and tiptoes away*

Solid_Snake said:
People at my old job saying that I am gay or that there is something wrong with my body, because in the period I worked there I avoided some pretty attractive girls that liked me ,I am at a new job,but it still haunts me,I remenber a lot.......

Ugh, lemme guess, they implied something was wrong with your *ahem* male parts? Yep, people are soo original... :roll: Stuff from the past haunts me too. I still remember crap from first school that I really should just let go, but it's difficult...


Well-known member
"So i suppose you were a nerd back in school", chef at work ..

"Didn't you just tell me that before", awkward, waitress at restaurant i worked :roll:

"You'll be the least likely to succeed out of everyone in the class", high school days

"He's not my son", my dad said it a few times

"There is nothing wrong with being gay", this from lack of a girlfriend

"You know kids are supposed go out and drink every night these days, what is wrong with you, you have a problem"

there has been many negative comments over the years from people i have to say, i just have to try and not let it get to me too much


New member
This is pretty sad that I still remember this since it happened in Middle School and I am now in College, but it just stung. It was during my algebra class. I hated that class and the people in it, so I always sat in the front row. I never talked to anyone. One day, I arrived late and sat down in my normal seat. Than, this scrawny kid that I didn't really know whispered to another kid "That guy has like NO friends". Then the two started laughing. I just wanted to turn around and say something, but I just couldn't. I just hate people sometimes.


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
Feminine guys rock 8) Whether you're manly or girly though, you seriously don't look bad in the couple of pics I've seen of you! *blushes and tiptoes away*

Hey, thanks, its nice to hear that!


Well-known member
"You might be intelligent, but you're also really ugly"

Ouch. Three years ago, and it still hurts. Funny thing is i've never said anything to offend the guy who said that, ever. Some people just say horrid things for the sake of it, don't they? I don't understand why they do that...


Well-known member
"you're such a lost cause, if it wasn't for your looks, you'd be fcuked in life, you know that don't you, thats why your the way you are, get over yourself"

those kind words were from my ex bf!


Well-known member
"There's nothing wrong with you, your just lazy". is prehaps the most agonizing one for me.

Makes me feel that no matter what I say, what evidence I can support it with, to the eyes of the average person... I'm just plain lazy.


Well-known member
Doomed2Die said:
"There's nothing wrong with you, your just lazy". is prehaps the most agonizing one for me.

Makes me feel that no matter what I say, what evidence I can support it with, to the eyes of the average person... I'm just plain lazy.

I've gotten that from my dad a lot. A few times I have quit a job because something embarassing happened, or somebody embarassed me and i blushed and then thought "I can never go back, because now they know I am weak." So what do I do? I quit of course.

So many times, my dad would say "You just don't want to work, you're just lazy."

But in his defense, he doesn't really understand mental health problems at all, because he's never had them.

People who have never had mental health issues will never understand, and will always think to themselves shit like, "Wow, I could never sit around and feel sorry for myself like that" or "They're really lazy!"

Just another case of people commenting on stuff they know absolutely nothing about. It happens a lot in society IMO


Well-known member
From my mom "What did I do so wrong in life to get you?".
Another one from my mom "This is the daughter I wanted, you're not close to it". Talking about her 26 year old co-worker. Her and my mom drink a lot together and her co worker is selfish just like my mom.


recluse said:
What's one thing in your lifetime that someone told you that has affected your confidence?

My father, when I was like 9-10 years old said:
Why are you talking like this? What's 'your' matter? (with a hard-angry tone)
I started to stutter when I was very young, around 7-8 years old.... It's not that bad, I've seen much much worse cases and mine would be considered mild, but still...... It's the main cause of me not socializing and avoiding oral presentations, arguments and anything oral(like talking ... but not oral 'ceks' - which I've never had). I'm actually having my last exam today which I'll skip after four weeks of postponing it. It's in about 5 hours.... It's an oral presentation. It sux considering that I got 7 straight A's and A+'s in all my other exams in this course which had to be written down and weren't oral. Because of this last exam, I get failed in this important language course.....

I guess I'll have to try another exam in September... that one will only be in front of 2 other students and 2 teachers, and i wouldn't know any of them so it's less humiliating.
The comment that my father made didn't actually bother me much because i was very little... but whenever i start saying something long, like a story which i always avoid saying, then everyone immediately notice my stuttering, then I'll go red, and everyone start joking about me, or start making funny faces while others are looking. My teachers would always say: be brave, concentrate on what you're going to say... but it always gets worse when i think about it. The good thing is that i don't stutter when saying a small sentence, or answering with a few words. But i can not read loud in a group, and i can't talk to a group of people.

The combination of all the comments that people make about my way of speaking, have changed my confidence a lot.
After weeks, maybe months of thinking about it, I have accepted that I should just be with myself and no one else, I've started to learn computer programming, and I'm planning on working somewhere that i won't be required to talk a lot. However I'm just 20 and I will study further to earn a degree, but i don't exactly want or need a social life. I have three great friends, but they all live and study abroad. And I'm fine with them, don't need anyone else.

It feels great to accept not needing a normal social life.......... I work and learn much more now because I concentrate on my tasks.

More than half the things i wrote now were unrelated, so sorry. Just wanted to write something down.......


Well-known member
I can't remember anything that someone has said that has hurt me. It's all the things that they don't say that I notice and it hurts a lot. Like when people that you like talking to stop talking to you when another person that they find more interesting comes around and you know that they think you are a boring person, but they don't say it. I hate when this happens because I like talking to that certain person, but I can't find anything to talk about and they respond with a very short answer that implies I should stop talking or they laugh a little and say nothing. I don't recognize it immediately, but when I get home I feel really sad and it hurts.

Anyone else feel like this? (I know I suck at describing exactly how I feel, but there's just a lot to say.)


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strawberrybrunette said:
"Are you stupid or something"

but I did punch the guy, he got a broken nose and I got suspended from school for 2 days.

Lol! Good going!!

Err...i mean, violence is really bad, in every situation. :roll:

Yeah it was weird. I mean I treat everyone with respect and I'm not the type to pick a fight. It did feel good though, liked I stepped up for all of us with SA.


Well-known member
Caseums21 said:
From my mom "What did I do so wrong in life to get you?".
Another one from my mom "This is the daughter I wanted, you're not close to it". Talking about her 26 year old co-worker. Her and my mom drink a lot together and her co worker is selfish just like my mom.

Omg! How mean of your mother to say something like that. I remember my mother saying to me ''why can't you be more like i## and his sister from up the road''....Next thing she got banned for drink driving, and he's wrecked more cars that i've worn socks, so am i wrong for being decent!?