ok, Pet Peeves


Well-known member
Having a smoking avatar shows exactly how much I hate it. I enjoy being ironic that way. ;)


Well-known member
That sounds like my mothers logic. Lol She's doing it but she really doesn't want to do it and hates it and her doing it only proves that.....Mind blown!

That's just mothers for ya..


Well-known member
No. Since Twenty Ten, it has been said with a Twenty before it. Two Thousand was its own decade from 00 to 09.
What year were you born? One thousand nine eighty six?
You make a very good point, but I think I'll still be saying "two thousand twelve." It sounds more right to me.


Well-known member
No. Since Twenty Ten, it has been said with a Twenty before it. Two Thousand was its own decade from 00 to 09.
What year were you born? One thousand nine eighty six?

But, but! It was two thousand one, two thousand two, two thousand three and so on. It's only natural to continue on with the flow of things and say two thousand twelve. I mean, if we had been saying twenty one, twenty two or whatever, it may have been more natural. But, after saying two thousand ____ for 9 years, it's a hard habit to break. Cut us some slack. ::eek::

I think technically saying one thousand nine hundred eighty six would be more correct because it's been that long since zero.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
The phrase "work hard, play hard". Play hard? :confused: Isn't "play" supposed to be enjoyable? If you're finding it hard, then you're probably doing it wrong. Also, this phrase tends to be used a lot by arrogant, self-important people which doesn't endear it to me. :)


Well-known member
Listening to people eat is one of my major pet peeves. Crunch, slurp, smack, gulp...ugh! I want to leave the room when that's happening.

Also, rude/disrespectful people, especially for no real reason. Like my neighbours who yell all the time with no thought of me or whoever else they appear to be annoying. That's one example of many but I really dislike it.

Mikey that brings so much tears to my eyes, it kills me soflty.
I CAN NOT stand hearing people pop their mouths and smack on it while chewing food.

Also people who talk like the flinstones in their loudest voice all of the time. Yabba dabba dooo. Are we in the stone age, why are you yelling?

These are my top pet peeves.


Well-known member
Mikey that brings so much tears to my eyes, it kills me soflty.
I CAN NOT stand hearing people pop their mouths and smack on it while chewing food.
I didn't mean to kill you softly. ::eek:: I'm glad you agree with me, though.


Well-known member
-'Great expectations' <--seriously these two words used next to each other irritates me SO MUCH!

-People chewing with their mouth open

-When people on messenger/chat just disappear without saying anything

There are probably more.


Well-known member
Supposed gangsters trying to act hard while wearing skinny jeans. Hell, I hate the whole "men in skinny jeans" fad altogether.

Little Miss Muffet

Well-known member
When the male pigeon tries to mate with the female. Their necks swell up, the noise they make and they never give up. i just cant watch lol


Well-known member
People that make alot of noise when they eat is my number 1.
I was at the doctor the other day and While I was in the waiting room this guy was eating ALL of the suckers that they had sitting out for patients.
He was crunching and smacking on them so loudly....I wanted to stab him repeatedly with the pen that I was filling out my form with.

Others are.
When people ask me a question as I'm putting food in my mouth and sit there and star at me.
Hearing my name said too many times in a day.
People who jump straight to yelling during an argument.
People who seemingly never wear shoes or socks.