So, 2 hours after we arrived early, the house lights go down and the gig starts. We're hoping the opener, Wild Nothing, will be decent. Considering my sister and I had listen to one of their albums on YouTube. Well, typical unknown American band - they always have to pandering c*nts to the Scottish audience. :thumbdown:
The singer/rhythm guitarist walks on stage, beer in hand.

mg: Oh, and he was wearing a wolly hat, fleece jacket - you could just make it out thanks to the lighting. So, he looked like a right knob.
As he adjust his guitar, he says:
"Hello, Glasgow. How's it going?". Greg, the fella who been chatting to me and my sister goes:
"Shit!". Then, someone, close to the stage, in the standing area must've said:
"Wheest! And get oan wae it!" Cuz the singer just says: "Okay then, we will"
First song in, and by Christ, it's dire. Boring! Nae stage presence, nae excitment. Not even a single interest guitar riff amoungst them. But then, aw ah could hear fae the off their set wus the f**kin' bass rumbling. And all the songs sound the same. Probably due to how these
Third song in and I start laughing cuz the folk over at the sound mixer and lighting. Starting doing the flashing stobe effects in a deseperate attempt to make this band seems more exciting than they actually. But their sound just consisted of chords and riffs through a shit load o' delay and chorus effects, like a cross between U2 and My Bloody Valentine, minus the talent.
At some point, I turn to my sister and ask if I'm seeing thing or if there was a keyboard player sitting to the left of the stage, not lit? But for the most part I'm sitting there, bored as f**k.
Also, why do American bands insist on telling foreign audiences where exactly their from? Like the actual state, which makes sense geographically when you look at a map of America. But, the other night there, the singer of the opening act mentioned this as far if a mass of drunken Scottsh music fans were supposed to cheer this fact.
Mind you, Greg - bearded, long-haired, tattooed fella who'd been chatting with us since he got seated - once again brought the laughs, loudly shouting "F**k off!" when the singer mumbled:
"We're Wild Nothing from America, in case you didn't know. From West Virginia, actually"
Then he made a failed attempt a banter with the 13.000 Scots in attendence. Mentioning drink, as if that observation wus'nae blantantly obvious.
Yer in f**kin' Glasgow! 
h: That wee quip aboot drink pretty much foreshadowed what was about gan doon 40 minutes after the shite support left the stage
Why do American rock band, particular ones naebuddy know this side o' the pond, think you'll win over a Scottish audience by making not so subtle reference to Scotland which in itself is stereotypical. Be it, the kilt, drinking, haggis, tatties or f**kin' Braveheart.
Anyway, the biggest laugh was when the singer for Wild Nothing said:
"Thanks. We've got 2 song left to play and that's our set"
Greg just loudly shouts: "Thank f**k fur that!" :lol:
Oh, and at some point, me, my sister, and new pal Greg, agree that this support band were shite, and I remark they should gan back to practising in a garage, to which Greg retorted with:
"Garage? More like their bedrooms"