I wouldn't mind a bit o that (music, of course)
I wouldn't mind a bit o that (music, of course)
Listened to the whole reading concert, and found it to be quite good! (killed-off 1/2hr nicely). Tho wasnae what expected. I'm guessing it's an acquired taste?
Ah wish I was better at making decisions. Another person messaged me via YouTube about doing a music collaboration via this Bandhub website:
Perhaps perfectionism is the problem? Does it have to be perfect?
Wish ma family would stop trying to "inspire" me musically. It's kinda irritating. Mainly because they huv'nae thought much about the idea, and seem to think that it's easy to make anything sound great
They inspire ye in any ways, by aggravating ye day in day out; & angst/aggravation/ire/anger/etc are GREAT for writing music (esp aggressive-sounding music) :bigsmile:
What if you were to offer sth in return, say a small sum of "pocket money"? Would that motivate her? I mean if it works for children, then... :question:
Ah doubt money would motivate my mum to do anything - unless yer talking a Lottery winning amount. She's constantly negative, yet she'll lie when I point this out and claim the contrary. And says she's only joking. :thinking:
For someone who says she's joking, my mum doesnae half say some harsh, negative, unfunny things to me most o' the time. Mibbe I'm losing my sense o' humour? :idontknow:
I have to tip my hat to your patience Graeme. I definitely could not put up with the BS you do.