Right, how is it that me and my sister both agree that our mum is frustating? Ah mean, thanks, like. Only took ye roughly 7 f**kin' years to notice. :thumbdown:
Though, my older sisters give our mum a pass. But then, they didnae get subjected to the verbal, emotional and physical abuse, and sexist, feminist tangents I had to endure, eh? I mean, I love my mum as well, but, just not to the level of putting her on a pedastal as my sisters. Plus, I'm a lot happier when I'm not having every decision I make contradicted. Or every thought, question or opinion I utter being dismissed. As my mum tends to look upon me as less worthy of being taken seriously.
Also, I don't know what the deal is with my sister spouting this nonsense about me
"You know better than me, anyway. I don't huv a clue"
"Yer a lot more capable than you'd like to think ye just sell yersel' short"
Yesterday, she wus trying to convince to become a mechanic. I'd assume jokingly? :thinking: Since ah know sweet-f**k-all about cars.
And I hate having do stuff for folk, when they're more than capable of doing it themselves. They're just too lazy...
And she wus gettin' all nostalgic about my othopedic surgery:
"Just think, this time last year ye were hoopin' aboot with a zimmer frame. And look how far you've came, now, eh?"
But today.... well, ah had to keep myself from laughing oot loud when she telt me that:
"Of course y'know what yer daein. You've got more common sense than the rest of us"
I nearly said:
"Well, Gawd help me then..."
Doesnae really bode well for the rest o' them, eh? If me and one of my cousins are the only
"smart" ones in the family, does it? If that's the case, then the rest o' my immediate family must huv the collective IQ of a f**kin' broom handle? :idontknow: