Though my issues didn't start as early as yours did, I still understand exactly what you mean here. A common misconception is that as we age our so called new found wisdom should allow us to look past any prior issues we had. What a load of s**t that is. If anything, as you age you realize just how difficult life is and just how cruel people can really be. Then to make it worse you still have these issues but now they are worse than they were before and therefore we end up more depressed. At least this has been my experience. Wonder if yours is similar.
Similar, I guess, to some extent. But then, being mixed-race or bi-racial as some would call it, and disabled; ah kinda learnt how cruel people can be from a young age. As well as how difficult life is... So, the new found wisdom hardly came with age.
Just stating facts, there. Not trying to make anyone reading this feel pity towards me. It's just how it was for me, growing up...
The only wisdom that came with age is realising you get singled out if yer in anyway different from the majority. And most people are only out for themselves and their own self-interest, most of the time.
Or, at least, that's how my family are - more so, my mum. Who likes to contradict every decision I make because it's not what
she wants.
Though, I also had abuse and neglect to deal with from my family. Oh, and my mum projected a lotta her feelings about my dad. Mainly bitterness and angry at being mistreated by him. Which was as much my fault as it was his, apparently. Or, that's what I took from the hate-filled tangents my mum would go on, whenever I tried to raise the topic of relationships with her.
Not a mental health experts, so can't say. Though, when I eventually tried therapy, my mum got a free-pass for all the shit she did to me in the past. Because you should still love someone regardless of how badly they've treated you in the past.
So, in many ways, the bullying never stopped at school for me. :sad: Sadly, it wus only in my mid-teens that I realised how little my mum cared about me.
And ah wish ah could look past my issues, ah really do. But, sadly - because they're ever concerned for me - my family seem intent upon constantly reminding about my issues. :kickingmyself:
And I don't know about you, defiance. But, being constantly reminded of yer problems doesnae exactly help me in overcoming them. :sad: Y'know? Since yer already fully aware of them.