Hie yer hence from me heath!
I don't know about you but I personally am my worst enemy when it comes to reminding me of my issues and how useless I am. As the old saying goes no one can critique you like you can so I am very guilty of this. But I can't help it.
Oh yeah, I'm equally guilty of doing this, but only because I feel genuinely useless at times.
It seems in your case you get it more from your mom which is a shame man. I don't know man I just don't know.
My mum, my sisters, cousins... I get it from most of the family. Why don't I like the same TV shows, music or movies? Why do I insist upon being told the truth all the time?
Everytime I refuse to do somethin' or going along with what they want, I'm an arsehole. Everytime I don't feel like doing something, I'm being selfish. And I'd dare not voice an opinion they don't agree with, or speak critically of them. Otherwise they throw a hissy fit and turn violent... Shoutin', swearin', slammin' doors. Giving me the silent treatment for showing how awful and unreasonable they can be, at times.
Cannae exactly win, either way. But they're nice folk, really. When they're not mouthin' off about how shite things are, or insulting me "for a laugh".
And even though the latter of those 2 things stopped occurring 2 years, I still huv'nae got an apology from my family for the hurt caused.
But my mum was never one for accepting responsibilty for her actions. She except apparently, because everyone else is at fault. But mainly, it's the men. Feminist Logic 101, there.
Forgot to ask if you managed to fixed your pc??
Not as yet, sadly. Just using my spare laptop for the time being.
Spoke to a fella, who live in my area, who will look at it when he has time to.
I've explain the problem to him, and he doesn't advise trying to fixing it on my own, in case I lose important documents or photos, etc.
Don't know whether downloading a copy of Windows 10 Home would resolve it? :thinking: Since it just a repair for a missing file I'm needing, not a complete reinstall of the OS. And I know, that's not legal and ah don't encourage stealing software or pirating copyrighted material. But, I never got a recovery disc with my HP laptop when I originally purchased it, for whatever reason.
And did this work for pain relieve?? Have a try (needs headphones)
Binaural Beats Opium - Pain Relief, Relaxation, sedative effect
Didnae really huv a great deal of pain when I last listened to that Binaural Beats. Just a slght, but bearable pain in ma knee - which is the one I had surgery on. But I'll give it another go...