Hullo !! Awrite youse lot, aye? Fandabbydosey!
Btw here's to y'all... :brindis: For keepin' me in an upbeat, positive mindset afore, during an after ma orthopedic procedures. Ah know ah said thanks afore, or did ah? But yer kind, optimistic words of support really kept anxiety gettin' the better o' me in hospital. Cuz ah wus nearly huvin' 2nd thoughts aboot it.
But... Blah, blah, blah! Am digressin'...
Well, that's me back in ma wee home comfort zone. Doon the stairs in the living room, but still ah've got ma laptop, android tablet an wireless keyboard to keep ma mind of the pain o' ma extensive surgeries. 3 hours worth, everything well. Broken bones, metal plates an all.
Mum's a bit annoyed that she cannae she lie oan the couch an watch her telly shows in piece, with me upstairs oan the laptop as usual.
So... Am guessin' yer wantin' aw the borin' details of ma few nights in ma hospital, eh?

Be warn, though it wus hellish. And aw these incidents are kinda away over the place due to be off ma tits oan morphine for a few days. And ah'll elaborate on the hilarious ol' warming and the bedpan incident, which I vividly remember overhearing. :bigsmile:
Oh, an dinnae think uh me fur leaving it there, and ending this post here. No to keep youse in suspence or owt like. Just after ah get a good night's sleep, ah'll tell you send aw tha funny, surreal stories