Hie yer hence from me heath!
I always used to view me parents like that too, like they're the worst possible parents that i culd ever have. But over time, esp last few years, ah've gotten a new view of such matters, and kinda new-agey, but it has helped me some. This idea is along the lines of "no pain, no gain" or even "more pain, more gain". That it is, is this: that the worse they are for yur current well-being, the better they are for yurself overall (eg evolution of "soul"). So, all gets thrown in reverse when talkin of soul (deeper) not personality (shallower). Worst enemies (eg parents) become best friends, and best friends become .. i dunno! not best friends, hehe (as they dont help yu grow as much). Bad is good, good is maybe not bad but not as good as appears. All is illusion & backwards... (excuse my delving into deep metaphysic there .. am listenin to the Doors, amidst a drunkin haze)
Right, so... To break that doon to simple terms, no sayin' am thick as shit.
Yer basically ah huv tae tolerate this pessimistic, negative, confidence destroyin' shite remarks that come oot ma mum's gob til she's deid ?
In fairness, ma dad's death only made me realise that, which he might no huv like me that much or comprehend ma disability an how affects ma life. And we might no huv hud that father/son bond we should've - but ah don't really connect with many folk oan a deep level. It's surface and superficial.
But at least, his remark of "When are you going to something with your life", which is summit most of my family were womdering of me, was said as a means of encouragement and inspiration. More so than any words of wisdom ah every got from my mum.
Which is probably where my relationship went to shite. Or maybe, it was the fact my mum never offer the full emotionally support ah needed, going through teenage years. Nor did she ever take my side when ah'd be enraged enough to stand up for myself.
The food, clothes and huvin a roof overhead huv been great an aw that.
But ah do feel that ah wus unfairly burdened with my mum's past relationship troubles with men. Constantly being reminded of how "useless" men are. :bigsmile: What an irony...
Though, it's always the youngest that gets f***ed wth most in the family, isn't it?
But being a single mum who is dour an negative aw the time, doesnae exactly instill confidence in a young lad to ensure he turn oot right. Still don't know how am still here, nor how I'm the "brains" of the family? Is because most of us quiet, introverted, shy c**ts tend to think before opening oor gobs tae speak? Or is it because outcasts have that outside lookin' in perspective.
Therefore tend to a bit more philsophical aboot things or see show shallow the culture we're raised in really is? As ypu seem to be. Ah wouldnae know, since am no being as brainy as a potential could've been. It's kinda by chance that ah just manage to appear sensible an sane.