Means 'naked lung'. Because their lungs are exposed and external.
ahhh, thanks
Means 'naked lung'. Because their lungs are exposed and external.
Means 'naked lung'. Because their lungs are exposed and external.
Those should sell like hotcakes in Wisconsin! :bigsmile:like this snazzy nudibranch hat:
i want one
Are you going to carry the Nudibranch collection in your store? I hear it's all the rage on the runways!
can you keep these as pets?
I had no idea there were so many nudibranches.
Umm...this isn't exactly a nudibranch, sorry if that's against the rules... it's a mexican salamander, an Axolotl. I love his happy little alien face
Oooh, i use to own fire bellied newts. They were great..