no friends


Well-known member
Yeah i have friends but they find it hard understanding my situation. So i don't really have anybody, yup it sucks but i try not to get down about it.


Active member
I have basically no friends at all. Through my first year at college, I've spoken to and managed to get one girl's msn so at the very, very best I have someone that's sort of close to amounting to a friend. I've never met up with her outside of college, though, and when I talk to her she doesn't really seem interested. She's actually left college, too. I'll guess whatever little friendship I might have with her will fizzle out eventually (like they always do) and I'll be all alone again.

The thing is, though, I think I'd prefer to be totally alone than have something bordering on a friendship as it's just torture. I get a little taste of what life would be like with other people. At least when I don't have anyone, I can try and convince myself I'm better off without people slightly more easily.

The suckynuss of not having anyone is magnified in the holidays, by the way. I'm not looking forward to summer one bit. Six weeks of being totally aware that most people are having fun experiences with other people whilst I'm sitting around not even attempting to meet anyone out of fear. I just want to buy a hell of a lot of alcohol and drink lots of the stuff consistently thoughout the holidays. I won't remember anything and it will seem like it passed in a second. I could even fill in the blanks and convince myself I actually did interesting things, too.


lol i used to have freinds until i became like a watered down version of the guy in aviator

pretty much isolate myself until im ready to be accepted back into the world

Mr. S

Nope I haven't got any friends. I know a couple people online but that's not the same, not really. Most people respect me though, which is a plus.

The suckynuss of not having anyone is magnified in the holidays, by the way. I'm not looking forward to summer one bit. Six weeks of being totally aware that most people are having fun experiences with other people whilst I'm sitting around not even attempting to meet anyone out of fear.

This will be the first summer that I'm going to feel that way. As a teenager school usually feels like a chore, but now it's finally about to go out for the year and I'm going to get pretty lonely. And video games are no longer a good answer.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i've never been able to make lasting friendships. its always been like that part of the brain thats tells you how was missing from the deck of cards.


Well-known member
Pretty close. I have only two friends and I'm not very close with either one of them. We chat or hang out on occasion. I've grown apart from any past friends and I'm starting to grow apart from these ones. I know I should go see them again but it's tough sometimes. If I'm not busy, they are. Sometimes I'm just too tired and unmotivated to go out, as much as I know I should. Instead I sit at home and be lonely.


Well-known member
I have 1 friend - my girlfriend. Not healthy when we have an argument and I wannna go drink with the guys and bitch about our women.


Well-known member
I have one friend that I've known since childhood that lives on the other side of the world. We still keep in contact sometimes through writing letters so it's like were penpals now. Other than that, I'm friendless, neither online or in real life. It's pathetic sometimes when I feel like I want to talk to someone and there's no one that I could talk to even on the internet. :/


Well-known member
I have CLOSE friends (about 4) but just to say i make friends easily, no. Sometimes i honestly think it is better to be to yourself at times. You really get the chance to explore and better yourself.


When I was younger I had 5 friends. Right now I just have 2. I can never seem to keep hold of many people long enough to make them a friend. I'm 22 years old and so far in my life time I've only had 7 friends total. I want more though. I've always had dreams about having a cell phone full of about 20+ plus numbers instead of just my mom, my bro, my uncle. I always want my phone to be ringing or getting text messages like every minutes. I always wanted to experience great moments that you do with people instead of talking to my pets like they understand getting fired from a job or whatever. I want to be more social but just I have such a hard time.


Well-known member
I have few, but thinking of "are they true friends?" I don't know.
Because I don't trust, credit enough myself as attractive to have friend, I am always on guard and tensed.

As Black-Wings said, hope it'll get better.


I have my partner but besides that, I don't have any friends either ( in real life or otherwise::p: ). For the last several years, I think I've more or less accepted being friendless and I didn't let it bring me down. But lately I've been feeling like I'm so tired of being stuck in my shell like this. I don't know if anyone can relate, but lately sometimes I feel like there's this social and fun-loving person hidden inside of me that wants to burst out but can't.


Well-known member
I only have one online friend. He's truly the only person in this world who gets me. Not even my family understands me. I wish he lived closer, then we could hang out every day and do stuff. I tried making friends near my area, but I had no luck. People don't get that my symptoms are very random. There might be days when I'm ok to go out, others when I'm terrified to step out the door. I gave up trying. I think I'm doing fine being alone. Less stress.


Well-known member
I have no friends. I have 1 acquaintance that is kind enough to let me know she cares about me when she doesn't see me at school for a long amount of time, and that she is worried. It's so sweet, we've never been all that close, but her sister has SA and her boyfriend as well, so I think she is just one of those rare people that almost understands. I'm lucky to have anybody, even that one minor, rare person that tells me she cares. Honestly, I would do anything for more friends, friends I could handle, that is..... friends that won't just up and leave.. all-accepting, at ease friends. -sigh-


Well-known member
I have no friends. I have 1 acquaintance that is kind enough to let me know she cares about me when she doesn't see me at school for a long amount of time, and that she is worried. It's so sweet, we've never been all that close, but her sister has SA and her boyfriend as well, so I think she is just one of those rare people that almost understands. I'm lucky to have anybody, even that one minor, rare person that tells me she cares. Honestly, I would do anything for more friends, friends I could handle, that is..... friends that won't just up and leave.. all-accepting, at ease friends. -sigh-

I second this all the way


Well-known member
I have my partner but besides that, I don't have any friends either ( in real life or otherwise::p: ). For the last several years, I think I've more or less accepted being friendless and I didn't let it bring me down. But lately I've been feeling like I'm so tired of being stuck in my shell like this. I don't know if anyone can relate, but lately sometimes I feel like there's this social and fun-loving person hidden inside of me that wants to burst out but can't.

feel the same. I sometimes even wonder why my hubby loves me.