I too took the quiz Remus posted and here is my result:
You suffer from some emotional insecurity, and can battle with your ego. You may have co-dependency issues where you feel that your own feelings are reliant on what other people are or aren’t doing. You may feel abandoned, left out and unloved by others if they are validating your significance to you. You may leave yourself open to abuse from others."
According to this I am just insecure but not narcissistic, which is what I thought about myself. This quiz seemed more thorough and less black and white, so I feel a little better, haha (that could be my own bias speaking but it had more questions that went more in-depth, with a "sometimes" option instead of "yes" or "no" - that seems more fair).
I mean... I don't really think I'm a narcissist. Everyone has an ego but I struggle with feelings of inferiority, and I think what happens is that I want to feel more important and so I become upset if I do not. And I also feel better if I perceive I am "more important" (relatively speaking) than someone else. It isn't nice, but it's something I have to work on.