SickJoke how do you know that universe was created by Big Bang? Are there any proofs? And in that case, what was there BEFORE universe? How can something be created of nothing? The rule in the universe and natural law is, every created thing has a creator. To believe something came out of nothing is even more foolish than to believe that "universe was created by God". I think God is all and nothing at the same time, has no beginning and no end, therefore couldn´t create - it has always been there because God is unlimited. It is the biggest power that can exist and at the same time the biggest void and nothingness. 2 opposites at the same time - paradox - that is where we come to if we seek for ultimate truth. Paul Brunton calls God "world idea" because God is a thought, some kind of highly evolved consciousness. Also, how come this world is so unbelievably intelligent (as Doomed said). How could something intelligent like this be created by pure chance - if you take a box full of autoparts and keep shaking it 100 millions of years, no car will come out of it. Intelligent creation needs an intelligent creator. Same if you apply this to evolution. Sure everything was perfected through evolution, but the force behind it was pretty intelligent otherwise evolution couldn´t happen. (Besides perhaps isn´t even true that we evolved from apes and cavemen, because there have been much more highly evolved cultures before us).
Also, this world and every creation is based on polarities - otherwise it couldn´t exist. So there was no way God could create this world, unless he created polarities. Our purpose now if we want to leave this world is to seek the way out of being enslaved by polarities - by being enslaved by our desires and addictions, moods and emotions, greed, envy, dependence etc. etc. Be indifferent to critic or praise, good or bad times, loss etc. I think we need to create some form of inner peace which wouldn´t be disturbed by any outside influences. It is kind of indifference but not ignorance or laziness, it means to be indifferent and yet highly aware and conscious - paradox again. Way to this inner peace is said to be meditation and if we proceed far enough, ultimately we become one with God and this doesn´t mean only to "melt in Nirvana", but at the same time obtain the highest consciousness possible. This is in my opinion the only way out of polarities and suffering of this world - suicide won´t help because only body dies but the consciousness stays the same with the same unresolved problems.