I definitely always prefer truth, whether comforting or not. If I wanted comfort, I would choose some simple nice religion. What you think about universe being a sick joke, I understand that was exactly what I believed at about 16, 17. For me the world was a casual happening, dog eat dog place, where only stronger survives nothing more. I thought with death everything is over. I didn´t want to live, be in this horrible place but was scared to die also. But this theory isn´t realistical, it´s foolish because now I know more. At least I think so. I´ve read so many books since then that to believe what I believed before is impossible. It isn´t that I wanted comfort, I want the truth but the sick joke theory seems to me so primitive that I can´t believe it anymore. There must be much more to this world than simple biological surviving. If it isn´t, why do you live at all, why don´t you commit suicide right now if life has no meaning? And if life is only about the survival of stronger, why to have any ethic, why don´t you kill someone for stealing his posessions etc.