My sa is getting worse!


Well-known member
I notice that the more time i have spent being at home unemployed the worse my social anxiety get's::(: I think that being employed forced me out of the house to face people but now i have not much of a reason to leave the house. I'm getting more nervous with people and everytime i face people i feel ashamed somehow and i am afraid to make eye contact.

Yesterday i went to a supermarket and as soon as i was in the middle of all the people i felt dizzy and i felt as if i wanted to escape, as soon as i had made my purchase i rushed out with a feeling of panic. I'm sure people thought i was weird o'r something.

After leaving i went for a walk to a popular tourist attraction here which is a Lighthouse with 400 steps going to it. I was alone as usual and seeing all these people who were couples o'r were with friends made me feel inadequete and sad. I could imagine that i appeared a loser to them because i was alone. I then walked along a narrow path when i heard some children and adults coming the other way so i panicked and turned back so i wouldn't have to squeeze past them.

So yeah that's my sa coming back with a vengeance this weekend!


Staff member
I noticed this too, keep going out the house though, even if its a walk to the park.


Well-known member
I find when that I am not working for any period of time that my SA and depression does get really bad and just don't do anything and speak to anyboady.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I feel I have got worse since I left University. Although I do work full time, I don't come into contact with that many people. Also as I work for my parents I can manipulate situations to make them easier to cope with. Avoidance is a bad habit to break. When I was at uni I was with loads of people every day, so I was a lot more comfortable because of the constant exposure. I also used to walk around the city in breaks and stuff and go shopping.

I've got to try to slowly avoid the avoidance I think.
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Recluse, Its got worst for me aswell recently.

Im finding it difficult to maintain eye contact and even say a few words to my Lodgers. Atleast before I could have a bit of banter with them without feeling awkward.

I still occasioanaly try Shopping Centres,Towns etc but come back very dissapointed...Whats point going there if I cant even conquer the simplest of tasks

The last couple weeks I've been depressed badly, So In turn my SA has hit a high.

New week approaching lets see what happens ::)


Active member
I know what you mean. I gave up a job (again) in Australia to come to the UK to make a new life as I was really miserable there and was stagnating. I dreaded going in to my job each day so I was glad to leave even if I was giving up stablility. They really didn't want me to go and want me to go back but I don't feel that I can. I left the job in May as I moved in with family so gave up the job a couple of months before arriving in the UK and now I have been here about 6 weeks. So I have been without a job for a little while and am starting to feel it. Sure I am travelling around with my mum looking for somewhere suitable to live but I am not really connecting with people. I have to look for a job aswell which as you know is hard when you don't have the outgoing personality of most other people. the longer I am not working the harder it will be for me to have the courage to get one. I really don't want to go back to Australia again as I will feel like a failure so I have to stick it out.
I just hope I can find a job that doesn't require you to have phenomenal communication skills :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Recluse maybe try asking your parents for help with finding a job,and during the spare time try to make some cvs and bring it into random places shops,cafes,chippers etc.Coz to work in such places you dont need much experience and you get to meet new people aswell.And it will get you out of the house for few hours in a day.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
My sa has been getting worse for years. its scary. you already know all the common sense stuff you're supposed to do that people keep bringing up. i wish there was a better answer.


Well-known member
Me too, I haven't been out of the house all summer break. Now that I have to start going to college again tomorrow, I feel really anxious about it. I will be joining in a program and my classes will have fewer people, so I think I will be expected to be social. I dread going to classes now, though, they are supposed to be enjoyable. The thing is I will be seeing the same people for all my classes. ::(:


Well-known member
I feel the same way. My SA feels ten times worse if I haven't been doing anything. If I keep busy its not so bad going somewhere. Try and keep your mind as active as possible and get out of the house. Any kind of exercise will help to.


Well-known member
My SA keeps goin up nd down now nd then....And yeah sometimes i do avoid passing thru certain places, like there's a church nd i sometimes have to pass thru tht at the time when the ppl r leavin, nd usually kinda rich ppl come to tht church looking at the cars they drive. i have to cut thru all the ppl comin towards me nd when i'm done passing them, i wud b sweatin like crazy nd mah heart wud b racin as if i just ran a mile, nd all the time wudn't b able to look up more than a sec....horrible feeling :(


Well-known member
I dont think mine has gotten any worse..if anything it has gotten a hair better for me..but on the flip side my avoidence has grown some serious deep much so Im growing sick of myself & my stagnaticity (is that a word lol) I am on the verge of seeing a therapist i think very still looking for one that i think i will like & will take my insurance I emailed one the other day..but she dont take my card....& there dosent seem to be any SA groups in my area which i really was hoping still holding out hope that the Recovering Social Phobic bike rider club i started will attract some members locally & if it does i think it will help me alot in advancing because some of them might have employment ideas for me here locally id think...or its possible I might be able to get hired where they work or somethin...of course that's alot of hopes


Well-known member
For the past 2 years I thought my SA was improving but it seems to be getting a lot worse actually.


Staff member
mine has gradually improved over the last 20 years, very gradually though. I do get blips where it goes abit worse but always comes back


Well-known member
I have noticed since im umemployed not going to school i have become lazy to the point i don't care about anything and i never try to make an attempt to go outside only too seek help for my issues what ever they may be.