My mother is irational!


Well-known member
Yeah i know parent's like that ,if they have a girl they want her to be a nun and if they have a boy they want him to be a gigolo.I'm in the second situation, my father is almost more frustrated than me because i'm a virgin ...he even gave me several ultimatums until he will take me by force to "hired lady's" lol.


Well-known member
oh for heavens sake. i am so sick of "helicopter parents". They have no clue the damage they do to their kids with that crap.

You're a grown woman.You're smart,capable,and NOT a slut. Mom needs to realize she has to cut the cord at some point and let you live.

The Observer

Well-known member
Where are you from btw?

Maybe in her time they did things different when it came to boys and she is projecting her thoughts/beliefs of dating,sex and birth control onto you which, are pretty irrational and to call her own daughter a slut and whore is terrible in so many ways.


Well-known member
Sounds like my mother sort of, but more involved/extreme.
Lie to her-dont be open w her. If ur going to ur bfs house say ur going somewhere else. Take care of ur own gynecologist appointment. And evenually find a way to live someplace else. I find that w these types of parents distance is key to having a good relationship.


Well-known member
ouch.....this really bites.

Unfortunately it becomes necesary to hide things from our parents. My wife's rents freaked right out when they discovered shes on birth control too.....never mind the fact were MARRIED :p.


Well-known member
Ignore your mother. You are not a whore and a slut.
Don't tell her things she can't comprehend. It's best to keep it between your boyfriend and you because when you let family get in the way they decide to just wreck everything. It's your body and you own it so do what you want with it. I'm not saying hide it from her because that doesn't help either. You shouldn't have to hide nor take her crap. Tell her to mind her own business.
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Well-known member
I don't get it with some of the older generations....I perceive being on birth control as being responsible! Everyone eventually is going to have sex...well not everyone but what i'm saying is it's just our human nature to want to have sex. So if you're not on birth control wouldn't that be irresponsible? Anything could happen at any could be attacked by some crazy person & at least you'd know you're safe from pregnancy in that case.

The world has overpopulation & so many people ahve children who can't afford to or aren't ready to. At least you're being responsible before having sex....I can say a lot of girls I know are NOT...there's so many teen mothers who don't have education or anything

Besides some people take birth control for hormonal reasons

Question--is your mother extremely traditional/religious? Maybe that's why.
& btw you respect yourself that's why you want to protect yoourself.
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Well-known member
Lie.Lie.and Lie some more.

normally bad advice but in this situation it's necessary in order for you to have a normal life.

my mother to this day thinks i've never smoke cigarettes or weed.


Well-known member
Im from Romania. I go to college and don't have a job now, dont even have time for it, but as soon as I earn enough money I will move to my own place.
Asta explica multe ::p:,numai prin romania mai gasesti mentalitati dastea invechite la parinti.Eu zic totusi sa o confrunti pe maicata ,ai 22 de ani esti majora, nu mai are nici un drept sa se bage in treburile astea.Chiar daca ea te tine in facultate nu are voie sa se bage in treburile tale personale .Eu zic sa nu minti ,eu zic sa ai o discutie serioasa cu ea,amintesteti ca esti femeie in toata regula si poti sa iei decizi singura.


Well-known member
:))Degeaba discut cu ea, tipa ca disperata la mine si o tine pe a ei, nu poti purta o discutie normala cu maicamea. Nu ma tine in facultate, eu iau bursa si-mi platesc din putinii bani care-i iau materialele si ce-mi tr pt facultate, plus ca ne trimite taicamiu bani. Ea e casnica.

So yeah like I said, it's pointless to try to talk with her about this and make her understand my point of view. She won't even listen.

wow mai ai si bursa si ea mai e si casnica , e chiar prea de tot.La mine singura putere care o mai au asupra mea e ca inca ma sustin financiar ca altfel cred ca m-as lua la bataie cu ei.Nu stiu ce sa zic...mai rabda un pic, mai ai doar un an de facultate si poate iti gasesti un job si te muti.


Well-known member
No wonder some people lie to their parents.

I wouldn't be telling my mom anything unless it concerned her if that was the way she reacted. :S


Well-known member
Well, birth control pills are not without possible side effects... Some girls can tolerate them alright (or yeah some took them to restore hormonal balance), some have had problems...
Also environmentally, scientists found in a lake there were only I don't know - only male or only female fish, mostly it's suspected because of the pills?? (some other chemicals can contribute to that too..)
So, the pills are not necessarily 'harmless', and I recommend you to get educated on other options too...

Other than that, I think some form of birth control is a responsible thing to do too...
Also, you can have FUN with a boy in other ways than just 'sex' no? :)

Yeah, some parents can be very catholic/religious or very concerned... I think they only mean well (mostly) but can show it in very irrational ways....

A relative was called similar by her dad and she later just moved away... worked part time and studied... (And then dad missed her and wanted her to come back! yikes!!)


Well-known member
My wifes parents dont know half of the stuff there is to know about us. And for a very good reason.

Part of it is also mutual respect, but its also difficult for many parents to see their kids as adults, even when they ARE adults. Thus it becomes necesary to hide things.