my dog charlie

Maybe read up on the breed or get them to a dog trainer.
My dogs only pee in the house if there's no one around to let them out, and my dogs usually go in the same spots because they have their scent.


Well-known member
How long have you had Charlie? If you've had him awhile, is he just now starting to pee in the house? I agree with Philly2 in that it might be a medical problem...Dogs (and cats as well) who have urinary infections will pee in places that they don't normally. They learn to associate going outside to pee with pain and try to go elsewhere (your bed!). If your doggy is straining, lethargic or whining more than usual...I'd take him to the vet to get him checked out. Or, he may just be trying to show you who's boss. :p


Well-known member
My cat Timothy has done the same thing to me before. With cats, when they do that, it's looked at as them "marking their territory." I don't know if it's the same for dogs, though. But every time I try to sleep with Timothy in my room, he gets on top of me when I'm asleep & pees on me. I guess he's letting me know I'm his territory lol. But I have to keep him out of my room because of it, especially if I'm sleeping. Maybe your dog is letting you know that you, & everything else he pees on is his territory lol.
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Well-known member
mrb, how old is he and how long have you had him? You should ask on a dog forum, I know of a couple if you'd like the addresses.


Well-known member
my cocker spaniel just turned a year old in february, and she still pees in the house sometimes.. but it's only when i've forgotten to take her out.. i've kind of learned her schedule and take her out quite a few times a day... however, she poops in the house almost every time she has to poop! when she poops inside, sometimes i put her in her crate, and sometimes i don't, so it's really my fault for not being consistent and lazy =/ lol! you really have to get on them about stuff! she's a year old and i still give her a treat every time she pees outside, which is 98% of the time... anyway, you should look up crate training... get charlie a crate to stay in while you're not at home, you have to get him acustomed to it so THAT is his home, not your whole house. he'll eventually like going in there on his own if he wants to.. they say that dogs will never pee where they sleep/stay, does charlie sleep in the bed? hmm...