lol getting a buncha agoraphobics to meet up would be a feat!!!
I was thinking that maybe a saturday lunchtime might be best. Because that would be more convenient for people who are working, and lunchtime might be less crowded than night-time.
But you should feel free to suggest whatever date/time suits you. I will make sure that we run with the most popular date/venue/time.
It'd be great to have you join us.
If the buses are cancelled.... i'll cry!
Awww that sucks!!! Wah :: But it's not like you're pussying out at all, it's not your fault! Don't worry about it. I thought that might happen alright, especially because it's supposed to be this bad or worse for at least the next week.
Charlene, have any buses been cancelled down near you yet? Or are they ok at the minute? I'm just wondering if we should postpone or if others will still be able to make it. If it's too much hassle for people to get to Galway and to walk out to the uni, etc., we could do it another saturday, one where everyone could be there and it would be easy. My road is really bad and icy but once you get past the actual road I live on it's main roads into Galway so it's ok. David, I know you live out the country too, how hard/easy will it be for you to get in?
Stupid Ireland falling apart in some cold weather, I'm so sick of it now even though I love cold weather
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm up for postponing it. I think it would be better if we did it a day that everyone was able to be there and we weren't wondering if anyone would turn up!! And aswell because people will have to be walking to the uni and stuff in the cold and ice. So everyone won't be miserable when they get there lol!!
As far as I know, the really bad weather should hopefully only continue for the next week or two, so we should try and reschedule it for as soon as possible, so that we don't procrastinate and stuff! Maybe saturday fortnight or something, like the 23rd of January?
What does everyone else think?
If I lived in Ireland, I'd come meet up with others. Besides, I love Irish people.