Mcdonalds or Burger King?


Well-known member
McDonalds just tastes better and they have stronger options on their menu. I think the Big n Tasty and Big Mac are better than any burger on BK's menu. Then the fries are much better at McDs.
I'd rather enjoy my meals with greaseball burgers and die earlier than eat healthier and die later.

It's not the death part I am worried about.
As a person with SA, a life with paralysis on one side of my body from a stroke would be a nightmare.
You don't always die immediately from heart disease.
I don't know why so many people seem to assume that organic meat is kinder on the animals, if anything it's often less. I think a lot people would be shocked. It's perhaps better for us in that the animals aren't given things like antibiotics, they can still be treated just as appallingly though and are often kept barely alive with illnesses being left untreated just so the farmer can label them as organic and receive more money.
We are all animals.

That's quite horrible. :/

I think it would be wise if there were global laws to be set in this regard. That when an animal is to suffer while the person responsible for it/them knows about it, and has the means to help them, but chooses not to for selfish reasons, he/she can be fined and potentially prosecuted for it.

I find it odd that animal cruelty laws are so loose when you compare them to general people abuse laws.

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
I've actually seen this kind of discussion before, and it turned into a heated debate where both sides didn't get to have the moral high ground. I also need to add that I personally find the mere concept of ''The moral highground'' a ridicules and pretentious concept.

Almost all living creatures (that we know of) consume other life in order to survive. Plants, for example. Of course, they're not intelligent or have any kind of nerve endings that we know of, but they're still very much alive. Where do we draw the line of what is and isn't morally acceptable? Is it the actual consumption of meat that is the problem, or is it the suffering that is caused in the process of obtaining it?

I am personally not against eating meat. I am strongly against the methods of the meat industry. As humans we look upon death as the worst thing that can happen to us. But death is not the end of everything, it is very much a new beginning for something else. Nature recycles itself quite efficiently in that sense. Humans are no exception in this. I shouldn't have to add that as the human is a animal itself. We tend to forget that. On top of that I also want to add that an animal isn't waiting for it's own demise like we do. They live in the moment. Something we humans can learn something from. Depending on how you do it, the animal needn't be in any kind of physical or mental pain or stress during it's lifetime. I even dare say live a better live then it would in raw nature. Because nature isn't a fairytale funland to live in either. The animal needn't even have it's life drastically shortened either. If it's managed correctly, the animal could live a very long and fulfilling life, and still benefit us as food in the end.

What I'm trying to say is; don't blame to very end of the line, it's a mistake many make. The consumer is a easy target because they're in plain sight, but they're not the ones committing these terrible deeds onto animals. The best you get out of attacking the consumer is a moral war, and that doesn't solve anything for anyone. Not for vegetarians, not for meat eaters, and certainly not for the animals.

You solve a problem by addressing the source; in this case the methods of the (non-organic branch of the) meat industry.

Attack the corporation. Inform the public.


Whether I am a carnivore or vegetarian, nothing gets my goat more than someone telling me what I should or should not be eating.

I didn't read all the answers in this thread, is anybody telling you what to eat? It wasn't me.. What people eat is each own't free choice. I didn't even say all people who eat meat are bad, I think many of them are quite good. They wouldn't kill an animal themselves, but if they can buy it nicely wrapped in supermarket or get it served in a restaurant, why not? No need to bother about the dirty and horrible background of it. They choose to "rather not know" and think that by eating meat they won't change anything anyway.
But in case someone expressly agrees with this horrible business and says the torture of animals is right, then I find it quite rude.


Well-known member
Neither though I'd prefer Burger King.

I enjoy Taco Bell the most out of any fast food...Wendys is good too for their chicken sandwiches. :D


Maybe I should add I noticed quite a difference between USA and Europe in the food situation. I've been to the USA for some time and except of all these Donalds and Burgers and gasoline stations, there is nowhere else to buy food.. Not all easy country for people who want to eat normal food or vegetarians. Unless you're living in a place which has a supermarket which is sometimes also a challenge to find.

Also, I would suspect there is a difference between what they serve in the US Mac Donalds etc and in similar places in the UK and Europe? Or is there no difference at all? Maybe people in this thread should add where they are from.
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Well-known member
never ate at burger king,never even saw one,so mcdonalds.

oh just remembered today,I think I saw a burger king a while ago in the nearest town,I might go until the weekend,the place that the burger king is located is always full on the weekends,so I may go before,any sugestions about what I should order?what do you like?


Well-known member
Maybe I should add I noticed quite a difference between USA and Europe in the food situation. I've been to the USA for some time and except of all these Donalds and Burgers and gasoline stations, there is nowhere else to buy food.. Not all easy country for people who want to eat normal food or vegetarians. Unless you're living in a place which has a supermarket which is sometimes also a challenge to find.

Also, I would suspect there is a difference between what they serve in the US Mac Donalds etc and in similar places in the UK and Europe? Or is there no difference at all? Maybe people in this thread should add where they are from.

I agree with you, for the most part, that the Standard American Diet is largely dictated by the food industry, of which most Americans have become victims.

However, America is a big country, and it's hard to lump us all together. There are large differences between rural and metropolitan areas, and between commercialized and non-commercialized areas.

I don't know if it has changed, but in the 1980's - when i was overseas - there was a big difference between what was served at a McDonald's or Burger King or Pizza Hut in the US and one in Japan or Hong Kong. Even though it might have been the same item on the menu, the taste and composition was very different.


Well-known member
if you value your health they both sucks, but since i'm addicted to junk food i will say mc donalds. the double big mac ( yup not the singles) is my favorite burger. and the nuggets I could eat a 100 of them.


Well-known member
mcdonalds japan is running a series of american styled burgers so far there was texas burger,its was great,texas burger 2 not so good,idaho burger,great and now miami burger which is also great,I am eating right now,I just went there after work its a 24 hours mcdonals,didnt go to burger king yet,but will tomorrow or sunday if doesnt snow.


Well-known member
Yes. I try to stay away from fast food, though I don't always succeed. Especially when I'm depressed.

And I tend to compare the fries more than the burgers. To me, McDonald's fries are best when I want salty fries. I haven't had BK fries for a while, but I seem to think they were crunchier than those from McDonald's. Wendy's fries aren't as salty, and taste more like potatoes (though I haven't tried their newer "natural cut" fries yet).

Besides the health aspects, I'm not too keen on the way those big corporations treat animals, do business, etc. But when I feel really down, I figure "screw everything" and gorge on pure crap.

Also, the township code explicitly forbids both hunting with firearms and owning "farm animals." Guess I'll just have to drive really fast and carry a shovel at all times.... :rolleyes: