Mars To Stay


They're thinking of a "Mars To Stay" space program where they send a crew on a one-way ride to Mars to set up a colony, never to return to Earth. Would anyone be interested in going? I would.

You'd be stuck with the same people forever though. But at least you wouldn't have to deal with the Earth crap anymore.

You'd never see anyone you ever knew again, you'd never come home, you'd never have regular food etc... and you would have the laggiest internet ever because of the communication delay between Earth and Mars



Well-known member
As long as it was exactly like the movie Dark Star, I'd be all for it. Maybe I'd even find a nice Martian lady, too.


(Note the relation of the green smiley to the stereotype of green people being from Mars, or at least somewhere other than Earth.)


Well-known member
Is this for real? If so, got a source? I'd love to read the actual article, sounds interesting.


Well-known member
Now that's a good read. First time I heard of it. I'd love to see people get off this rock, it sure ain't gonna last forever at the rate its being treated. If I had the necessary skills I'd volunteer myself to go.
This concept intrigues me immensely. But I think this would also get in the way of creating a reasonably ''normal life'' for myself, kinda. ;P

But it has to be quite the experience, though. Just imagine, if the Martian colony turns out to be a success, you'd go down in history as one of the first 6 to have EVER colonize an alien planet. Even though it might take centuries to find and develop a way to get to yet another habitable planet, this is alone is already quite an achievement. I don't think I would do it though. As fantastic as that kind of isolation sounds, it wouldn't be a pleasant experience for me.

You might be on an alien planet that you have to yourself (and your team), but you'd also (most likely) spend allot of time in cramped spaces with the 6 people you're there with as it is still an hostile planet for now. But if they ever create a visitors program where you'd go there for 4-5 years to help out, I'd be the first in line (if I were still alive).
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Well-known member
Nooooo way! I love the beautiful landscapes on Earth far too much. I wouldn't want to be away from the ocean longer than a few months. :) And I would definitely miss my family too much.


New member
I would love to go there.......... not because it's very exciting to be in outer space......its because i don't like being here.


Well-known member
I guess it would be cool, especially if some hot girls went as well. It would be like "you can't reject me, we're here to start a colony, durr!". Plus Mars' gravitational pull is less than earth's, so you could eat a lot more cheeseburgers without having to watch your weight. I think I'm sold. :D
I guess it would be cool, especially if some hot girls went as well. It would be like "you can't reject me, we're here to start a colony, durr!". Plus Mars' gravitational pull is less than earth's, so you could eat a lot more cheeseburgers without having to watch your weight. I think I'm sold. :D

Ah yes, the ''Because NASA said so'' line. Success guaranteed. :rolleyes:

Though I think the fat would grow equally, if not faster on Mars, due there being less stress on your body (with less gravity and all). ::p:


Well-known member are they going to have enough food to last them the rest of their lives? There is no way we could send supply ships to and from with our limited technology? Also building material and such. Do we have the technology to build settlements in such a harsh planet?

It would be cool though.

I would probably want to do it. Just think you would never have to worry about driving, money, jobs, or any of the other "Earthly" things.


Well-known member are they going to have enough food to last them the rest of their lives? There is no way we could send supply ships to and from with our limited technology? Also building material and such. Do we have the technology to build settlements in such a harsh planet?

they the have the technology to build settlements but the big problem is radiation. Mars have practically no magnetic field or atmosphere to protect them like here on earth, more material means more cost so they have to find another way to protect from it. This is also a problem is the spaceship getting there. How do we shield the astronauts? we can generate magnetic fields but it takes to much power at the moment but the tech is getting there. We are used to them going up in a space station a couple of hundreds of miles above the earth and being exposed to radiation but not this long term. Gravity is another problem withouts earth gravity muscle and bones in our body waste away so will we be too weak

true they would have to able to grow there own food inside in some sort of greenhouse. actually the lastest probe sent there found out that the soil wouldn't be that bad to growing stuff


Well-known member
they the have the technology to build settlements but the big problem is radiation. Mars have practically no magnetic field or atmosphere to protect them like here on earth, more material means more cost so they have to find another way to protect from it. This is also a problem is the spaceship getting there. How do we shield the astronauts? we can generate magnetic fields but it takes to much power at the moment but the tech is getting there. We are used to them going up in a space station a couple of hundreds of miles above the earth and being exposed to radiation but not this long term. Gravity is another problem withouts earth gravity muscle and bones in our body waste away so will we be too weak

true they would have to able to grow there own food inside in some sort of greenhouse. actually the lastest probe sent there found out that the soil wouldn't be that bad to growing stuff

I was thinking about all that too. I watch an episode of some show with Stephen Hawking and it mentioned all these problems. It stated that colonists would have to live underground. Doesn't sound like much fun.


Well-known member
Hell yeah. Did you know that you can actually buy patches of land on mars and the moon? maybe my great great great great grandchildren's grandchildren will eventually go there and colonize my $40 patch of land.