Mars To Stay


Well-known member
I don't know why but this kind of saddens me. I'm not against the idea but we have such an incredibly beautiful and diverse planet that most of us take for granted/disrespect, I personally think we should concentrate on sorting out our own before we think about potentially trashing another but maybe I'm just being cynical

fair point but space programs benefit our earth more than you would think. The technology developed for space program gets used in other areas on earth. They use it to track climate change and many other things. Anyway thinking long term we are not going to able to stay on this planet forever. We are going to get overpopulated the way things are going and far far the future the sun will burn out so we are going to have to be Spacefaring. it is essential to the survival of our species


Well-known member
Hell yeah. Did you know that you can actually buy patches of land on mars and the moon? maybe my great great great great grandchildren's grandchildren will eventually go there and colonize my $40 patch of land.

thats just a scam. all you get is your name on a chart. Actually they have a law that no one or country can own land on other planets/moons. they makes law for space too believe it or not


Well-known member
I was thinking about all that too. I watch an episode of some show with Stephen Hawking and it mentioned all these problems. It stated that colonists would have to live underground. Doesn't sound like much fun.

o yea i saw that too.. living underground would probably be the best way
thats just a scam. all you get is your name on a chart. Actually they have a law that no one or country can own land on other planets/moons. they makes law for space too believe it or not

How very obnoxious I have to say..

First the Earth itself, and now they're starting to tell you what you can and cannot do in outer space. But I reckon those rules only apply when on Earth right? Hypothetically, if an alien race would offer you a planet (whilst being on one of their colonies), it would kinda suck if you'd have to decline because Earthly laws don't approve.

Now that colonization is starting to appear on the horizon, they might want to start rewriting some of those rules.
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Well-known member
But I reckon those rules only apply when on Earth right? Hypothetically, if an alien race would over you a planet (whilst being on one of their colonies), it would kinda suck if you'd have to decline because Earthly laws don't approve.

Now that colonizations is starting to appear on the horizon, they might want to start rewriting some of those rules.

Good question.. i think it is to mainly to insure no one exploits other planets/moons resources or uses it for military purposes , not sure though i guess we won't know how the law holds out until someone actually challenges it
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The Americans should quit visas and let the world move to Nebrasca - they have so much empty space and let nobody in ::(:.


Well-known member
thats just a scam. all you get is your name on a chart. Actually they have a law that no one or country can own land on other planets/moons. they makes law for space too believe it or not

Perhaps i need to be more obvious with my sarcasm... rolling eyes emoticon should do the trick. :rolleyes:
As long as it was exactly like the movie Dark Star, I'd be all for it. Maybe I'd even find a nice Martian lady, too.


(Note the relation of the green smiley to the stereotype of green people being from Mars, or at least somewhere other than Earth.)

hehe... like the one in Independence Day (Will Smith starring).... lol


Then, once we've been a civilization long enough, we SocialPhobics will attack Earth like in Mars Attacks! and reclaim the Earth as ours.


Well-known member
thats just a scam. all you get is your name on a chart. Actually they have a law that no one or country can own land on other planets/moons. they makes law for space too believe it or not

Really? We already think that we -own- all of space? xD Guess we better watch out for Tenchi and his gang. (Nerdy anime reference, yay)

Everyone on Social Phobia World should be sent to Mars to start a new civilization!

That would be interesting.. We'd be defined by our martian status from then on instead of our anxiety.


Well-known member

I would put this on my car. But you know, humans are just going to ruin Mars like we ruined Earth. And how do we know there won't be a world war breakout in space? That would be insane.


Mars is kinda already ruined, their prior civilization most likely destroyed their own planet lol. Can only get better since we can terraform it.


Hell, for all we know the Mars people came to Earth because their planet was dying, and terraformed it, and now we're going to go to Mars and repeat the cycle. Maybe that's the cycle of life! Planets are used, destroyed, and recycled?


Well-known member
yeah the people who destroyed Mars probably went to another planet. Alternate universe theory woot
Hell, for all we know the Mars people came to Earth because their planet was dying, and terraformed it, and now we're going to go to Mars and repeat the cycle. Maybe that's the cycle of life! Planets are used, destroyed, and recycled?

Wouldn't that just be ironic. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Many have thought that the pyramids on Mars have a strong connection to those on Earth. Many have also thought that back in the days of the egyptians, with the tools that actually existed back then it would be impossible to build all them giant pyramids "alone".
The Mars-Earth connection interests me greatly.

I'm positive we'll someday break off from earth and inhabit one of the other 7 planets eventually. However.. breaking off from our galaxy and venturing to worlds we know nothing about right now... Now that is what I want to see while I'm still alive. Or at least learn more about.


Well-known member
Everyone on Social Phobia World should be sent to Mars to start a new civilization!

Given the apparent dating skills of most of us, I don't foresee that civilization lasting longer than the first generation.

I was thinking about all that too. I watch an episode of some show with Stephen Hawking and it mentioned all these problems. It stated that colonists would have to live underground. Doesn't sound like much fun.

Space Hobbits?

I would put this on my car. But you know, humans are just going to ruin Mars like we ruined Earth. And how do we know there won't be a world war breakout in space? That would be insane.

YouTube - Iron Sky teaser - Space Nazis attack!
