

Well-known member
:) how good are you at it , now if someone saw you do something , do you think your a good enough liar to convince them you have a twin , and it really wasnt you :D i could ......


Well-known member
I'm pretty bad at lying, i always get caught out so i've given up and have decided the truth is always better lol


Well-known member
Depends on the lie and to whom.

I can be a pretty awesome liar. I seem to have a knack for mixing just the right amount of truth with a lie so it's believable.

That said -- I rarely lie. The last few times I even remember lying was to protect someone else (for better or worse, heh).
I think I'm a horrible liar... I feel weird just thinking about it.

However, in high school I convinced my apparently gullible friend of a few crazy things... I guess I didn't see it as lying, but just as a practical joke. During our first telephone conversation, I convinced him that my eyes are brown instead of blue... and later on that school year, I spent a lunch period convincing him that my sister was a boy when she was first born. ::p:


Well-known member
I was a really good liar when I was younger. I guess possibly I could be now too. Except for I don't choose to tell lies because it does nothing good for the character!


Well-known member
It wouldn’t be wise for me to do so because I don’t have a good memory lol and even if I did I wouldn’t feel right about it. The people I care about most I have told a few harmless white lies, but usually eventually I tell them the truth. People with sp may come across as liars because we say we aren’t good at this or that and it’s usually quite the contrary some recognize that as low self esteem and others find it off putting.


I think lying isn't in the overwhelming majority of cases necessary. Even if you should get some temporal gain, lying is destroying your personality bit by bit and eventually it will ruin your life, and lifes of those around you. In my opinion, if you think you can reach your goal by lie only, the goal most probably wasn't worth it and the people weren't worth it, if they are so weak or stupid that they can't put up with your truth. Compromising truth just in order to be liked by other people is cowardice. And people who can't accept truth are cowards. I think would lie only in emergency or if faced with really insane or dangerous person.

When we are at it, my mother is a big liar, she lies all the time and keeps advising me to do the same. It's always, "you can't say that, tell that.. (blah blah blah)". It's one thing why I have aversion towards her and don't respect her. By constant compromising the truth like this, she married an abusive idiot and never opposed to him, on the contrary supported and spoiled him. In the end this ruined predominantly MY life. Because of her weakness and not keeping to the truth.
It wouldn’t be wise for me to do so because I don’t have a good memory lol and even if I did I wouldn’t feel right about it. The people I care about most I have told a few harmless white lies, but usually eventually I tell them the truth. People with sp may come across as liars because we say we aren’t good at this or that and it’s usually quite the contrary some recognize that as low self esteem and others find it off putting.

I have a terrible memory when it comes to names and places. Most times I can't even recall the details of the things I *have* done when i'm asked about it. lol there's that and also with SP my mind blanks a lot.. like at the worst possible timing. For example one time I was registering for gym and the lady at the counter asked me for my birthday. "uhhh let me think.. July yes.. 26th." Also my phone number - somehow I can never remember that when people ask me for it. I think sometimes I sound like i'm lying even when I'm not.