Loud Noises


Well-known member
i was just thinking about some of the aspects of socializing i hate. a lot of time it involves loud groups, even if you're just with one or two people, out in public it's loud. this really bothers me so even if somebody wants to hang out, i make up an excuse to avoid the noise. I don't have over-active ears or anything but the loud of many people taking at once drives me crazy!:kickingmyself: is anyone in a similar situation?


Well-known member
I can relate. I feel uneasy hanging out with loud people because they speak so loud that other strangers can hear. It's like there's no privacy with them. And naturally, people tend to pay attention to loud people so hanging out with loud groups draws attention. I don't want attention; I want to blend into the environment and not get noticed.


Well-known member
Yes definitely and I startle easy, too which I hate. But at different times I have say gone to concerts and worked in loud places like a casino and I got over it but it was always bothering me a lot more than I think most people. I can get easily overwhelmed and noise, lots of it can be what sends me over. Needlesstosay I didn't work at the casino long. haha


Well-known member
I have this too. Especially when in a group situation and there's talks going on at different places within the group and people talk loudly.

I don't know if it's a hearing problem, sensitivity, or just the fact that I don't engage in these interactions daily so I'm not used to it.


Well-known member
It's not polite to talk loudly....if my friend was doing it i could ask him to talk calmly. Some people are unaware that they are loud...some want to show off i think(like me) just to be witty.


New member
I think it more dependent on the mentality of one. Don't stuff with it and just
You will be facing difficulties in begining but gradually you will be relaxed.


Well-known member
omg i am like this i hate groups of people talking and laughing it makes me paranoid, i cant walk the streets when it is busy because of all the cars and people it freaks me out so i know where you are coming from, i use my ipod to drown it out or talk on my phone to someone who knows my issues lol