Let's play a game called "Judge Me"


Active member
The game goes like this picture me sitting at a table there is 3 other people including me. One person to each side of the table and the 3 other people are having a conversation between themselves and I'm being quiet during the whole conversation.

Your job is to make me believe my ants thoughts and make me feel bad.

You will tell me(post)thoughts that are against me.

Why: Many of us experience a.n.t.s. thoughts during social situations. My goal is to allow you to compare your a.n.t.s. thoughts to thoughts people would actually have if they were thinking negatively of you and see that there not as bad as we believe them to be.


Well-known member
"What a weirdo."

I think alot of people lump everyone who's different into one big "weirdo" category.


"what's up with him?"

"why's he being so quiet?"

"he hasn't even looked at any of us. why?"

"maybe he just has his own issues he's worrying about" (not that negative but i might think something like that)
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Well-known member
Either he's too scared, which makes him a coward,
he has no opinions which makes him stupid or boring
or he's pretentious which makes him rude and a bad person deserving of bad things.

these are probably the big three I struggle with!


Well-known member
The game goes like this picture me sitting at a table there is 3 other people including me. One person to each side of the table and the 3 other people are having a conversation between themselves and I'm being quiet during the whole conversation.

Your job is to make me believe my ants thoughts and make me feel bad.

You will tell me(post)thoughts that are against me.

Oh wow this should be fun :D. Ok, the following isn't my opinion, it's just the ANTS, so don't take it personally.

So, are you having fun sitting there like a tool? This is an exciting way to live your life, isn't it? Wow man, you could really build some meaningful relationships like this. Sitting in uncomfortable silence is an awesome way to live your life! You're kinda like one of those Zen monks, except they seem to enjoy meditation - you're just scared shitless.

Here's a fun fact for you to chew on: this isn't a big ****ing deal unless you make it that way. Life is what you make of it buddy. So wake the **** up out of your zombie-like trance. Stop living like you're ****ing dead. That thing in your neck called a voicebox, try using it - hell, even if it's just to let out an moan, a mumble, or a ****ing gurgle - ANYTHING to indicate that you still have a pulse.

Ok, that's enough for now. That was fun :D


guy must be a ****ing pussy azz loser azz beta male who doesn't deserve to have any friends.


He is so lame.

What's his excuse? We don't care about his excuse. he is just lame. we don't care about why he is the way he is. what matters is how he is right now, and it SUCKS so much that he shouldn't be here.

He's selfish. He's a snob. He's conceited. He's a wimp. He's an ungrateful prick, loser. He's a bitch. He's a fcukin cunt. He's a ****in asshole. He's ****ing stupid. An idiot.

He's the lowest thing that could ever exist right now.
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Well-known member
guy must be a ****ing pussy azz loser azz beta male who doesn't deserve to have any friends.


He is so lame.

What's his excuse? We don't care about his excuse. he is just lame. we don't care about why he is the way he is. what matters is how he is right now, and it SUCKS so much that he shouldn't be here.

Hey, I Can tell you already that's not what people are thinking. They might judge you because you're not talking, but they don't hate you because you're not talking. I've heard people talk about other people they think are quiet and no one has said anything like that, and if they do then they're just a douche


Well-known member
Ahahaha.. a revival for the memory of Sickjoke

..who, even in death, is way cooler than you'll ever be, which isn't saying a whole incredible lot about him. You know, since you'll never be anything more than a several generations removed, shy, beta-male, looser, second class citizen, sigma, level 5, crooked-cane, stooping Stanley, with bad teeth.


Well-known member
"Why is there an empty seat at this table? Oh, wait there's someone in it. Was she there the whole time? Oh, well. Who gives a ..."


not actually Fiona Apple
"Is he bored? Are we boring him? Why does he keep staring at us, is he some kinda creepy perv? Maybe he's stupid, stupid people just sit quietly and smile like idiots. He acting like he doesn't give a ****, maybe he doesn't care what we have to say, the pompous bastard. And he won't stop staring! And he's not looking me in the eyes, why not? I bet he's the kinda guy who would stalk you and steal your underwear, he's giving off that creepy vibe. Or maybe it's me, maybe I'm doing something wrong to make him act so quiet. I'm probably a loser, that's why he won't talk to me, or more than a few words. How pathetic do I have to be for him to not even bother trying to talk to me?"

I could probably come up with more if the situation was more specific.
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Well-known member
Why isn't he talking? He's been quiet for so long. Is he ill? Is there something wrong with him? Does he not like us or something? A normal person would socialize, it's part of being human. He's like an alien or some kinda perv. What could he be thinking? Oh well I'd rather talk to people who talk to me and seem outgoing. He probably thinks he's sooo above us..