Well-known member
Name:I don't have the guts to post it,if you are curious ask me in a PM
Nickname:"grasu" which means "fatty"(I'm not fat -I have only 85kg and 180cm tall but my colleagues from high-school were a bunch of skinny guys and I was fat compared to them so they called me fatty) or "STF" (don't ask)
Interests:Science,geography,history,philosophy,politics,computer games
Activities:Work,school,spending to much time on PC
Music:Everything that sounds good to me.
Favorite color:Blue or green or purple (never had an actual preference)
Favorite artist: Mell Gibson,Will Smith,Brad Pitt,Edward Norton
Qualities:Smart,great critical thinking,rational(to much in fact),loyal,strong sense of justice
Language:Romanian,English and a tiny bit of French
Career:Student in micro-electronics
Job:Research assistant (just got the job :
SA Motto:"It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything"(yeah Fight Club quote but I like it because is so true)
Nickname:"grasu" which means "fatty"(I'm not fat -I have only 85kg and 180cm tall but my colleagues from high-school were a bunch of skinny guys and I was fat compared to them so they called me fatty) or "STF" (don't ask)
Interests:Science,geography,history,philosophy,politics,computer games
Activities:Work,school,spending to much time on PC
Music:Everything that sounds good to me.
Favorite color:Blue or green or purple (never had an actual preference)
Favorite artist: Mell Gibson,Will Smith,Brad Pitt,Edward Norton
Qualities:Smart,great critical thinking,rational(to much in fact),loyal,strong sense of justice
Language:Romanian,English and a tiny bit of French
Career:Student in micro-electronics
Job:Research assistant (just got the job :
SA Motto:"It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything"(yeah Fight Club quote but I like it because is so true)