Last One To Respond Wins!


Well-known member

I have sword pens. I win!
Pft, pens. Pft, swords. I've got a laptop. You can write with it, and bash people in the head with it. Multifunctional. Though, one might severely affect the capability of the other.
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Well-known member
What's the square root of -1?

The subsequent head explosion from all of you is the sound of me winning! :D


Well-known member
Want some math?

Continuity: r/t + (r * u)/x + (r * v)/y + (r * w)/z = 0

X - Momentum: (r * u)/t + (r * u^2)/x + (r * u * v)/y + (r * u * w)/z = - p/x

+ 1/Re * { tauxx/x + tauxy/y + tauxz/z}

Y - Momentum: (r * v)/t + (r * u * v)/x + (r * v^2)/y + (r * v * w)/z = - p/y

+ 1/Re * { tauxy/x + tauyy/y + tauyz/z}

Z - Momentum: (r * w)/t + (r * u * w)/x + (r * v * w)/y + (r * w^2)/z = - p/z

+ 1/Re * { tauxz/x + tauyz/y + tauzz/z}

Energy: Et/t + (u * Et)/x + (v * Et)/y + (w * Et)/z = - (r * u)/x - (r * v)/y - (r * w)/z

- 1/(Re*Pr) * { qx/x + qy/y + qz/z}

+ 1/Re * {(u * tauxx + v * tauxy + w * tauxz)/x + (u * tauxy + v * tauyy + w * tauyz)/y + (u * tauxz + v * tauyz + w * tauzz)/z}

= I win.


not actually Fiona Apple
Actually, the answer is Fiona Apple. As a rule of thumb, the answer is always Fiona Apple. So I win :D


Well-known member
^Yes, but you didn't put the answer in the form of a question. Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoy your consolation prize of a ceramic dolphin. The grand prize of course goes to me though.